NEWS - Friday, August 27, 2004

Mortal Kombat Characters Moving To UC2
Following Epic Games surprising defection from Atari to Midway recently, it sounds like the Unreal mob is planning to take advantage of its new digs by integrating some popular characters from a fellow Midway franchise into the next edition of its arena-style Unreal Championship shooter. According to reports, Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict, due out exclusively on Xbox early next year, will actually feature a selection of Mortal Kombat characters in addition to its line-up of Epic-spawned rocketeers. Even more intriguingly, each of the MK exiles will be able to make use of their usual fatality moves, which should add a unique twist to an already twisty-sounding action game. You can find out more about Unreal Championship 2, which sounds like quite a stark departure from the original UT port-style offering, here, and we also have some screenshots for you here. You can look forward to battling in 16-player groups on Xbox Live or System Link early next year.Source: