NEWS - Tuesday, April 3, 2001

Morgan Gray interview
In other Robin Hood news, Morgan Gray was interviewed on about their upcoming XBOX/PS2 title. Not to spoil any of the content other than the usual blurb, you can check out the whole article here.
eUG: Does the game have one set path or will events in the game, such as how a player reacts or what they do in a situation, determine how the game ends?MG: There is no single strategy that will win the game for the player. The game is very much open to individual styles of play. Some players will be more aggressive, constantly seeking combat. Others will try to gain land through tournaments and subterfuge. There are so many avenues for the player to advance through the game that no two players will have identical play experiences. The ending is constructed based on the players performance at a number of goals ensuring that players will be challenged to achieve the most favorable ending, enticing him to come back to try different gameplay strategies