NEWS - Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Midway Ships Arcade Treasures 2
Longing for the simpler days of yesteryear? Then youll be pleased to know that Midway Arcade Treasures 2 has shipped to retail. For the price of a four-hour session in a coin-op arcade, PS2, Xbox, and GameCube owners can play 20 Midway titles from the golden years of quarter-draining arcades. This time around, "neo-classics" like Mortal Kombat II, Mortal Kombat 3, NARC, and Primal Rage share the spotlight with oldies like Wizard of Wor and Xenophobe. (Originally slated to appear in the collection, the original Mortal Kombat was taken off the disc and included with deluxe editions of Mortal Kombat: Deception, which released for the PS2 and Xbox last week.) Bonus content on the DVD includes making-of videos that feature interviews with the developers of several of the included titles, as well as trailers and video montages. The Xbox version of the title features Xbox Live high-score leaderboards. Last years Midway Arcade Treasures included 20 earlier Midway titles such as Gauntlet, Rampage, Joust, and Paperboy. It will be rereleased with new packaging that reflects the design of the sequel, as well as the new title of "Midway Arcade Treasures 1," this month. Rated "M" for Mature (due to "graphic" pixelated violence in included titles like Mortal Kombat II and Pit Fighter), Midway Arcade Treasures 2 carries an SRP of $19.99. GameSpots review of the title will be posted later today. The following games are featured in Midway Arcade Classics 2: A.P.B. Arch Rivals Championship Sprint Cyberball 2072 Gauntlet 2 Hard Drivin Kozmik Kroozr Mortal Kombat 3 Mortal Kombat II NARC Pit Fighter Primal Rage Rampage World Tour Spy Hunter 2 Timber Total Carnage Wacko Wizard of Wor Xenophobe XybotsSource: