NEWS - Tuesday, April 10, 2001

Call of Cthulhu
The guys from Daily Radar sat down with Simon Woodroffe, the lead designer for the upcoming 3D horror fest, Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth. The title which has been in production for some time now, I remember seeing videos of the game in action over a year ago, is being developed for both the PC and the XBOX.CoC is based upon the works of H.P. Lovecraft and promises to deliver the whole terrifying experience associated with reading a Lovecraft novel. The goal behind CoC is to take a first person shooter and remove the shooting part, well at least take it down a notch, and use the first person mode to draw the person more deeply into the game. The interview has tons of great info on the game and the gameplay of which you can read it right here.
DR: With the NV2A chip in the Xbox, you guys have some amazing power at your disposal. But how much scalability will the PC version have? Will PC players have to have a GeForce 3 to fully appreciate the game, or will someone with a PII 500 and Voodoo3 still be able to play?For those of you who are looking for a great horror title to play now may we recommend Clive Barkers UndyingSW: The graphics will be the main user of hardware power - so options will be available to turn off various graphical effects (shadows, darkmaps, detail maps, bump maps, etc) to gain speed increases. Its a shame, because wed like the player to see the levels exactly as we created them, but thats PCs for you...
And for those of you curious about H.P Lovecraft himself, find out all the weirdness right here.