NEWS - Thursday, April 12, 2001

Medal of Honor Interview
The guys from PCGameplay followed up with their posting of some killer new Medal of Honor: Allied Assault screenshots by interviewing the games Executive Producer, Peter Hirchmann as well as Captain Dale Dye, military consultant for both the Medal Of Honor games and the Spielberg movie, Saving Private Ryan.
PCG: The PC market is littered with first-person shooters. How are you distinguishing yourself from other games?Be sure to head over and check out the rest of this great interview.PH: One of my favourite games of all time is Jedi Knight, because the games environment always made sense. There was never a situation that didnt make sense; no matter how impossible things seemed there was always some way out.
Thats a great influence for game design and I like to think that things in Allied Assault always make sense. Theres never anything contrived or stupid, especially when youre designing a game that is meant to be in a real-world environment where theres no excuse to do something stupid or include a dumb puzzle thats based on random luck.
And we like to think weve brought new things to the genre like the enemy AI. In the original games when you threw a grenade at the Germans they would pick it up and throw it back you, or kick it back at you, and if there were two or three other soldiers in the room then one would dive on the grenade screaming "Save yourselves!" in German.