NEWS - Tuesday, April 17, 2001

Medal of Honor Interview
GameSpot UK did an interview today with Peter Hirschmann, the producer for this long time PlayStation series. This new series is being designed for PC, PS2, and Xbox. Medal of Honor is a 3d shooter based off of the Quake 3 engine with a couple of bells and whistles. Heres a small chunk of the interview for you guys. Definitely good reading though.GSUK: How has the Quake III engine been at handling big open levels?
PH: Well youre definitely there on the beach and the designers are very clever with the use of portals and constructing the level so that it doesnt drop to two frames a second, but it still delivers on what you want it to. In the D-Day segment, there are a couple of portals so that you can see a couple of D-Day beaches from where you are. When youre up in the pill box and looking down, to show the whole beach with all the guys on it as it was when you were storming it at the same resolution, wouldnt work. Its fun for me, because all my MOH experience has been on PlayStation and so its really trippy to see some super, hyper-mature technology like Quake III.
GSUK: Has that worked for the PS2 as well?
PH: Well the PS2 engine has been completely written from the ground up for PS2 and its a different architecture. The Xbox is truly the first PC-like console, on all the others the architecture and the code is significantly different and so is the way you construct the rendering engine, how you construct your compartment and whether youre streaming off the CD. There are so many different factors. Deciding to do a PC version was decision number one, number two was to say "Its a goddamn original game." Its scary but its fun that were now doing three different Medal of Honor games.
If you want to read more, theres about 3 pages chock full of juice goodness. Theres also some very recent screenshots for you guys.
Take me to the interview you crazy fool!
Kiss my butt, I want screen shots!