NEWS - Thursday, May 12, 2005

New Mechassault 2 Downloadables
Microsoft Releases MechAssault 2 Downloadable Content Microsoft Game Studios announced today that new premium downloadable content for MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf is now available for download via Xbox Live. This round of premium content consists of six new maps and the new Goblin armored vehicle. The new content is available for download via Xbox Live for $4.99 (U.S.). The Goblin armored vehicle is a fast and deadly troop transport with the ability to carry two Battle Armor units or Elementals into action. Sporting twin SRMs (Short Range Missiles), dual heavy machineguns and target jamming, the Goblin ensures that its cargo stays safe until delivery. Thanks to its speed and carrying capacity, it also makes a great flag or data core carrier. Six new multiplayer maps, each supporting up to 12 players, will test the mettle of the most hardened \’Mech veteran: Barrier Reef: Barrier Reef challenges \’Mech pilots to capture and hold the high ground in a lush battlefield environment. High roads and low roads crisscross the map, forcing players to choose the best means of controlling the map. Big Dig: As the name implies, Big Dig is all about trench warfare. Narrow trenches separate steep precipices, creating both avenues of escape and precarious perches. Field of Dreams: A vast and flat expanse of land offers a multitude of sniping positions. With little cover available, MechWarriors will have to work hard to find cover, then fight even harder to maintain control of it. Knee Deep: Water, water, everywhere and not a calm moment for a drink! Knee Deep is mostly water with narrow strips of land where only tracked vehicles dare tread, while \’Mechs must wade slowly through the aquatic conflict zone. New Venice: Unlike the Italian city of its namesake, New Venice is all about chanelling combat through its canals and alleys. Players can rain destruction down on the buildings of New Venice, a place where controlling the high ground is key to victory. Titans: The ultimate playground for heavy and assault class \’Mechs, Titan\’s structures offer ample cover and landing zones for VTOLs on salvage runs. MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf was developed by Day 1 Studios, creators of the original MechAssault for Xbox, in conjunction with FASA Studio, the developers of the award-winning MechWarrior and MechCommander series for Windows and Crimson Skies for Xbox. In MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf, gamers can step outside the \’Mech and live the life of a human pilot in a fresh new single player game. Tanks, VTOLs and BattleArmor offer players plenty of opportunities to rain destruction on their opposition in both single and multiplayer games. Xbox Live gamers can enjoy a whole new level of strategy, as BattleArmor-equipped players \’jack enemy \’Mechs and VTOLs drop supplies to their teammates. Both online and off, MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf offers players an unparalleled gaming experienceSource: