NEWS - Thursday, August 4, 2005

Rockstar Offices Under Siege
ROCKSTAR OFFICES UNDER SIEGE Nope not a crap Stephen Seagal license but Rockstar NY getting a visit from anti-Bully campaigners Even Rockstar - no stranger to controversy and feeling the gaze of the all-seeing public eye - must wish that things would simmer down for a bit now, as yesterday its New York offices were besieged by a group of protesters known as the Peaceaholics, who are campaigning against forthcoming release Bully. Members of the Washington-based youth group were apparently armed with signs saying Put the cuffs on Rockstar, not youth and Prosecute Rockstar Games; they are felons, while chanting "Hey hey, ho ho, Rockstar Games has got to go". Hm, not exactly Dr Martin Luther-Kings "I have a dream" is it?Source: