NEWS - Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Square Enix To Support Xbox 360 Big Time
Square Enix Considers X360 for Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy A major shot in the next generation system wars could end up being fired at next years E3. Reuters news service reveals today that Square Enix will solidify its plans for Dragon Quest IX and Final Fantasy XIII in time for the May show. Square Enix President Yoichi Wada, in an interview conducted by Reuters on the 14th, disclosed to the news service that the possibility exists for Square Enix to offer the titles on both the X360 and PS3. "We plan on solidifying our plans by E3 to offer both on the PS3 and Xbox 360, or place both on just one [system]," Wada explained. Getting the main numbered entries in the Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest series would be a major boost to Microsoft in Japan. Square Enix has previously announced that the Final Fantasy series will come to the PS3 but has not made any mention of Dragon Quest.Source: