NEWS - Monday, December 12, 2005

Capcom Unveils Lost Planet
Coinciding with the 12/10 Japanese release of the Xbox 360, Microsoft and Capcom held a press conference at the Xbox 360 Lounge in Tokyo today to unveil an all new, original Xbox 360 title. Lost Planet: Extreme Condition is currently in development at Capcom with a planned Japanese release for Winter of 2006. Lost Planet takes place in a freezing cold world of giant glaciers. People, calling themselves Snow Pirates, wear so-called Vitality Suits to explore the harsh frontiers of this world. The cold isn't the only thing to fear, though, as mankind isn't the dominant species in this world. That honor goes to the monstrous Eecrid. The main character was once saved by the Snow Pirates and, having lost most of his memory, remembers just one thing: his father dying at the hands of the Eecrid. Some big names are lending their talents (and faces) to the development of this game. Keiji Inafune (Onimusha, Dead Rising, Mega Man Battle Network) was announced as executive producer with Jun Takeuchi (Onimusha 3 and Resident Evil 5) listed as producer. Kenji Ohguro, a designer on both the original Onimusha and part 3, is chief designer for the game and is also co-directing with Shin Kurosawa, who wrote the screenplay. Continuing the tradition started with Onimusha (but not inherited by Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams), the main character in Lost Planet is based on a real person. Capcom has based the character off Korean star Byung Hun Lee, one of the most popular Korean personalities in Japan right now. At the unveiling event, Lee claimed to be a big fan of games like Resident Evil and Onimusha, while Inafune claimed personal respect for Lee's work, so everyone seemed happy. Lost Planet plays from a third-person perspective. You actually play from behind the back of the main character, controling the character directly, or boarding a mech to do battle. Online play through Xbox Live is one of the main points of the game, Inafune revealed at the event.Source: