NEWS - Friday, May 11, 2001

New XBOX title
CVG has gotten the goods on Virgin Interactives newly revealed first game for the XBOX based on the Unreal Warfare engine, Maelstrom. Developed internally in the UK, Maelstrom has a pretty strong support cast with art from the brush of famed Judge Dredd and Batman artist Jim Murray, and a plot from 2000AD writer Robbie Morrison.Maelstrom mixes first-person space combat, first-person shooter action, a healthy dose of humour and some damn attractive character and robot design. As you can see from the movie (21mb), the addition of features such as cup holders in the cockpit of your madly swinging spacecraft stink of everything generations of comic fans love about 2000AD; right up to the point where comedy is replaced by hardcore robot-wrecking action in the bays of massive ships.
The title is slated for XBOX, PS2, and the PC. Online play will be available with the XBOX and PC versions, but PS2 users will be stuck in splitscreen mode. Joy!
Be sure to head over and check out the rest of the game info.