NEWS - Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Rumor - Xbox 360 Gets Free 100 GB HDD
Our Microsoft rep contacted our store, and spoke to my supervisor and told him that if we receive any xbox 360 Premiums, to hold them and cannot sell them until the end of March, she stated that the reason for this was because the xbox 360 premiums would be shipped with 100 gigabyte HDDs, instead of the 20 GIG HDDs avalible now, she also said that the 100 gig HDD premiums would sell for the same price of $400. The word is that this rumor comes from a Best Buy employee who works at a store in New Jersey. This guy also claims that Best Buy is having some big sale in the beginning of April as well. Okay, now relax and stop jumping up and down, cause theres a couple of things fishier than that something in Denmark. First of all, I dont believe Microsoft would be stupid enough to offer free upgrades or price drops now, when PlayStation 3 is still in the mist. Second, this "event" is close to April Fools Day to give it any credit. Then again, there is a slight chance of this being true. And pigs fly. UPDATE The pigs have landed. Cesar Menendez (Microsoft’s Games Global Marketing team) puts it very clear: We haven’t announced any additional hard drives for the Xbox 360 beyond the 20 GB version available today. Furthermore, John Porcaro (Group Manager, PR & Communications Games Global Marketing) continues adds: The Xbox 360 is modular, and of course there is the possibility that different hard drives will be available in the future. However, there are no current plans for such a device. So, yes, its possible, but no, its not happening anytime soon.Source: