NEWS - Tuesday, April 4, 2006

Hot Japanese Chicks Play Xbox Live
Three pin-up models. Race cars. Xbox Live. The Microsoft Japan publicity machine keeps on keeping on. In an effort to attract consumers for the 360’s online gaming, a trio of popular gravia models were enlisted to play a few rounds of Project Gotham Racing 3. Apparently, the event (called “Fun Time”) was a hit and generated much interested in the young women, err Xbox Live. With publicity events such as this and titles like Rumble Roses XX, MSoft keeps focusing on the Akihabara hardcore to increase sales figures. When green cakes don’t work, try dancing girls. But if there’s anything to be learned by the recent DS Lite sell-out, it’s that there is a large uptapped market now coming into play and moving product. Will the anticipated RPG Blue Dragon bring the mainstream back to the fold?Source: