NEWS - Thursday, May 18, 2006

LMA Manager 2007 On Xbox 360
Codemasters has announced LMA Manager 2007 on Xbox 360, PC and PS2, for release in September. The improved match engine graphics look niceIt appears that the 2006 editions planned for the Xbox 360 and PC have now morphed into the 2007 edition. LMA Manager 2007 is scheduled to arrive at the beginning of the 2006/2007 Football season, with all the updated team and player information from the close season. LMA Manager 2007, on Xbox 360 and PC, promises much more than just updated statistics. Now clubs from more than 50 countries are available to manage and conduct transfer dealings with, with a new database engine able to handle the increased number of teams and a more in-depth transfer market. The game will also boast an all-new 3D match engine promising to take full advantage of next-gen graphics capabilities. The match engine now sports normal mapping, parallax mapping, and realistic lighting effects. On the Xbox 360 all this can be enjoyed in widescreen and high definition, giving the player a more detailed view of the action. Knowing a players history is important when making a decision about his future, and in LMA Manager 2007, on Xbox 360 and PC, all match reports and player histories can be stored for up to 20 seasons, giving you access to the information you need. LMA Manager 2007 is scheduled for release at the end of September for Xbox 360 and PC, along with the PlayStation 2 version which will feature updated stats over the 2006 edition.Source: