NEWS - Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Call Of Duty 2 And Halo Top Xbox Live
In the six months that the Xbox 360 has been out, more than half of all owners have taken their consoles online, says Microsoft, and a lot of them are actually playing games. According to the latest Xbox Live charts, courtesy of Xbox Lives Larry Hyrb, gamers are sticking to what they know. Call of Duty 2 is still the most popular Xbox 360 game online, with regular placers Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter and Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion not far off. The Xbox 360 Top 10 is dominated by full games, though UNO does make an appearance on the list, representing the Xbox Live Arcade. Over on the Xbox, Master Chief is still the one to beat. Nearly two years after its release, Halo 2 is still the most popular game with online players. Below are the top Xbox 360 and Xbox games on Xbox Live Xbox 360 1.Call of Duty 2 2.Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 3.Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion 4.Battlefield 2: Modern Combat 5.Final Fantasy XI 6.Project Gotham Racing 3 7.Fight Night Round 3 8.Uno 9.Perfect Dark Zero 10.Dead or Alive 4 Xbox 1.Halo 2 2.Battlefield 2: Modern Combat 3.Counter-Strike 4.Pro Evolution Soccer 5 5.Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory 6.Madden NFL 2006 7.Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow 8.Star Wars: Battlefront 2 9.Forza Motorsport 10.Ghost Recon 2: Summit StrikeSource: