NEWS - Friday, May 18, 2001

THQs Got Video
THQ has put together quite a few movies regarding their titles being shown at E3. A few of the movies I checked didnt have gameplay footage in them, but yet I only browsed two or three. Heres the complete list of movies and their descriptions. Thanks GlobalXbox (another great site who sat out E3 this year too - we feel your pain brother!)
Peter Dille talks about E3 (Available Now) Mike Rubinelli tells us about THQs upcoming E3 lineup (Available Now) George Barris King of Kustomizers - A visit with a Legend - (Available Now) Alison Quirion talks about New Legends (Available Now) Sanders Keel talks about the upcoming World Wrestling Federation games. (Available Now) Petro Piaseckyj talks about THQs upcoming Sponge Bob Square Pants games (Available Now) Angel Sisson discusses Power Rangers Time Force (coming soon...) Christopher Sturr talks about the upcoming PS2 game BASS Strike (Available Now) Rob Baumsteiger talks about MX 2002 featuring Ricky Charmichael (Available Now) Laura Naviaux talks about the upcoming XBOX game Dark Summit (Available Now) Laura Naviaux talks about the upcoming MX 2002 featuring Ricky Charmichael (Available Now) Rob Loftus talks about Red Faction for PS2 and New Legends for XBOX (coming soon...) Lalie Fisher talks about the upcoming Rugrats games (Available Now) Lalie Fisher talks about the upcoming Wild Thornberries games (Available Now)