NEWS - Thursday, July 13, 2006

Half-Life 2 confirmed for Xbox 360!!
Speaking at EAs annual summer press event, Valves Gabe Newell revealed that Half-Life 2 would be headed to the Xbox 360, bolstered with extra content and presumably, plenty of opportunities to kill people with high velocity toilets. The full console package will be comprised of Half-Life 2, Episode One, Episode Two, Team Fortress 2 (it still exists!) and an entirely new title, Portal. According to Gamespot, Team Fortress 2 now sports a cartoonish art style and a 60s spy feel akin to that of Monoliths No One Lives Forever -- certainly a description youd never expect to be about a game from Valve. The developer is also trying new things with Portal, which incorporates a rather imaginative gun and encourages you to blast Prey-like portals into floors and walls for all manner of object shifting, puzzle solving hijinx. The console versions of Half-Life 2 (along with all the extra goodies) are expected to launch alongside the PC games second episodic expansion. Barring unforeseen code thefts and other delays, that means theyll be out by the end of the year.Source: