NEWS - Sunday, May 20, 2001

Washington Post
For those of you outside of the Washington DC/Va region, we here at were interviewed for todays edition of the Washington Post as part of their XBOX/E3 coverage. For those of you joining us from having read the article, welcome. And for those of you who have yet to read it, you can do so over at the Washington Post website.As with all media publications, there were some set backs to the interview. One being we were interviewed for over 45 minutes and got a two paragraph mention, but with great suprise we were only re-worded in one section. And secondly the article in the newspaper had only a picture of myself which I must publicly apologize to the rest of the team. The photographer (who did a wonderful job btw) took over four rolls of pictures of all of us here in the US part with only two pictures of myself only. Unfortunately the editor chose those pictures of myself alone to run in the newspaper. As with any big project it is never just one person doing the work.. it's people working together as a team that gets the end result. Whether you're in the same town, same country, or just happen to be on the same planet, if you work together great things can happen. *Inspirational speach over* So without further ado.. Team XBOX Addict.
Clockwise from left: Chris, Ben, Kevin and Stephen on far right.