NEWS - Tuesday, May 22, 2001
No more screenshots!!!
Whats that? You said your eyes are already bleeding from looking at high detailed pictures?? Well tough! CvG also has some pretty kickin screen shots from Munchs Oddysee, and you know you wanna see em! Once again, heres a small bit of what they had to say about the screen shots of the Xbox exclusive game. All you Munch fans, start the drooling.... NOW!People fart. Men laugh. It’s a tradition as old as the dawn of time, but in this climate of profound technological innovation, is a bout of flatulence enough to satiate the bestial cravings of a discerning, predominantly masculine audience? Probably, but Oddworld Inhabitants isn’t taking any chances and has constructed what looks to be a stunningly beautiful, inventive, immersive 3D extravaganza.
What initially grabs hold of you is the rich visual splendour Xbox seems to churn out with apparently little effort. The in-game world is sprawling and majestic with an immense draw distance and fastidiously detailed textures. At one point in Microsoft’s conference demonstration, Munch was seen swimming in a pool of water: the effect was remarkable, with bump-mapping used to create realistic rippling effects that easily give Gamecube’s impressive Wave Race a run for its money.
Did you like that?? I knew you would, ya little news starved kids! But wait! Theres more!! Thats right, if you head on over to CvG right now, youll also get nineteen great screen shots!! At no additional cost! Check em out!