NEWS - Monday, October 16, 2006

Gears Of War: Glitch Free!
At a press event held in central London last week, a Microsoft spokesperson told the OXM team that Gears of War is winging its way to 'Gold' status! This is term used to describe the stage in a titles development, signifying it is ready for mass production. And with November 17 fast approaching, this news will be welcome to those of you keeping your fingers crossed that no delays should befall Microsoft big Xmas game. They commented; "So far, Gears of War is glitch free. Whether this is due to expert programming, Epic's in-depth knowledge of the Unreal Engine or combination of both, we aren't complaining!" Of course Epic are indeed in the best position to utilise Unreal Engine 3, as it is of their own design. And we can confirm that from our hands-on time with the game thus far, it not only looks stunning, but uses this engine to its full potential. The spokesperson went on to state that Gear of War is expected to go to press within the next two weeks, again indicating that the game is all but finished in terms of development. So having now played what is likely to be the stand out title of 2006 for the Xbox 360, we are counting down the days to Emergence with renewed luster. But how about you? Is GoW top of your most wanted list or is there another game bustling for your pre-order attention? Tell us in the comments box below.Source: