NEWS - Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Need for Speed Carbon Races Out To Retail Stores
Electronic Arts (NASDAQ: ERTS) announced that the videogame, Need for Speed™ Carbon will become available in stores worldwide from this week under the EA™ brand. Produced by EA Black Box in Vancouver , B.C., Need for Speed Carbon thrusts players onto the edge of their seat taking them from adrenaline-filled city streets to death-defying canyon curves. Boldly expanding on the key features that have made the Need for Speed franchise a hit for more than a decade, Need for Speed Carbon turns up the excitement and intensity by introducing all-new canyon racing. As the police turn up the heat, the battle ultimately shifts to Carbon Canyon , where territories and reputations can be lost on every perilous curve. With captivating graphics and stunning visual effects, players will be completely immersed in a gut-check race around the canyons where more than just winning is at stake. A streamlined focus on game physics has resulted in a truly authentic racing experience. Each of the games three distinct car classes – Tuner, Exotic, and Muscle – have been designed to maximize differentiation and enhance performance. Players will immediately experience the unique handling, acceleration and driving technique of the more than 50 different custom cars the moment they put the pedal to the metal. Need for Speed Carbon delivers the next generation of customization giving you the power to design and tweak your car in every way – including over 300 different parts – using the ground-breaking new Autosculpt™ technology. With online racing and the most advanced graphics and car customization tools ever, Need for Speed Carbon is the ultimate next generation racing game . “The Need for Speed franchise prides itself on innovation and this year is no different,” said Larry LaPierre, the games Executive Producer. “By introducing all-new canyon racing, a re-vamped drift mode and a revolutionary customization tool, we feel we have developed the ultimate next generation racing experience.” Need for Speed Carbon is available today for the Xbox 360™, PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system, Xbox® video game system from Microsoft, Nintendo® GameCube, PC and Mobile phones. It will also be available for the PLAYSTATION®3 and Nintendo Wii at the launch of each console. Need for Speed Carbon Own the City is available on PSP® (Playstation ® Portable) system, Game Boy® Advance and Nintendo DS™. Need for Speed Carbon and Need for Speed Carbon Own the City have a price range of $29.95 and $59.95 depending on platform in North America . For more information, log onto www.needforspeedcarbon.comSource: