NEWS - Thursday, November 2, 2006

Wal-Mart Bundles 360
Wal-Mart is doing its part to increase Xbox 360 sales. Newly available in stores are two Wal-Mart exclusive 360 bundles. For $399.99 gamers can choose between the MotoGP 06 and Burnout Revenge bundles. Each comes with the respective game, one controller, a 360 and a hard drive. This is the exact same price as your average non-bundled Premium System Xbox 360. Bundled games are nothing new to consoles and have long been used to provide incentive to new buyers. Microsoft gave bundles a chance with the original Xbox, shipping a special Sega pack-in that included Sega GT and Jet Set Radio Future. Hopefully more bundles -- perhaps even an official Microsoft bundle -- will become available in the near future.Source: