NEWS - Monday, December 11, 2006

Halo 3 Beta Signup Success
Last week, Microsoft debuted a new Halo 3 trailer on ESPNs Monday Night Football. At the same time, launched, allowing gamers to sign up for a chance to be part of the Halo 3 multiplayer demo next spring. Today, Microsoft revealed that more than 140,000 people signed up for the North American beta within the first 24 hours. During that period, was bogged down with requests and for many the sign-up page would not load. Registration is still open to the public. To participate in the beta, you need an Xbox 360 with hard drive, an Xbox Live Gold account and a Microsoft.NET Passport account linked to your gamertag. Microsoft and Bungie have other methods planned to allow gamers to get into the public beta. Those methods are expected to be announced soon.Source: