NEWS - Friday, May 11, 2007

Soltrio Solitaire Comes to XBLA!
Soltrio Solitaire will be available worldwide – with the exception of Korea – for 800 Microsoft Points on Wednesday, May 16th, and is rated E for Everyone. Here are some of the game features: Two-player multiplayer via system link or over Xbox LIVE Xbox LIVE Vision camera support, making multiplayer solitaire an engaging social experience In two-player mode, two games take place at the same time, and both players share the same foundation piles, prompting a fight over the piles in the race to win the game In co-op mode, players work together to attempt to finish the game with the best score possible, and players also have the ability to pass cards to each other Create new cards when you unlock card elements, show them off to your friends and customize your own decks! Earn up to 12 Achievements and 200 Gamerscore points More information can be found at