NEWS - Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Missile Command: Achievements
1. Captain Earn a bonus city Evolved game - Normal difficulty. 5 points 2. Major Score 25,000 points Evolved game - Normal difficulty. 15 points 3. Colonel Score 100,000 points Evolved game - Normal difficulty. 20 points 4. General Score 50,000 points Classic game - Normal difficulty. 25 points 5. Maniac Score 20,000 points Evolved game - Throttle Monkey mode. 20 points 6. Ace Have 8 cities in total Evolved game - Normal difficulty. 10 points 7. Sniper Clear a level with only 4 shots Evolved game - Normal difficulty. 10 points 8. Maverick Destroy 6 missiles with 1 shot Evolved game - Normal difficulty. 25 points 9. Hotshot Reach level 6 without wasting a shot Evolved game - Normal difficulty. 15 points 10. Wildfire Reach level 4 within 60 seconds Evolved game - Normal difficulty. 15 points 11. Sentry Reach level 11 without losing a base Evolved game - Normal difficulty. 20 points 12. Sidewinder Destroy 10 smart bombs in 1 game Evolved game - Normal difficulty. 20 pointsSource: