NEWS - Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Microsoft Bringing E3 to Xbox 360 Owners
Microsoft has announced E3: Bringing it Home. Beginning on July 10 and running through July 13, E3: Bringing it Home will offer the best of Xbox 360 at E3 to users of Xbox LIVE Marketplace. Microsoft is promising demos and trailers of the hottest games, plus its E3 press conference available to download in high definition. Expect to see content, be it a demo, trailer or theme for the following titles: * Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation (NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc.) * Assassin's Creed (Ubisoft) * BioShock (2K) * Blue Dragon (Microsoft Game Studios) * Burnout Paradise (Electronic Arts Inc.) * CALL OF DUTY 4: MODERN WARFARE (Activision) * FIFA Soccer 08 (Electronic Arts) * Guitar Hero III (Activision/RedOctane) * Lost Odyssey (Microsoft Game Studios) * Madden NFL 08 (Electronic Arts) * NCAA Football 08 (Electronic Arts) * Need for Speed: ProStreet (Electronic Arts) * Project Gotham Racing 4 (Microsoft Game Studios) * The Simpsons Game (Electronic Arts) * Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 (Electronic Arts) * WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 (THQ) Microsoft also notes that there will be many surprises and suggests fans stay tuned to the Xbox LIVE calendar over on