NEWS - Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Arcade: Hexic 2 and Ecco the Dolphin
Content: Hexic 2 Price: 800 Microsoft Points Availability: All regions Size: 56.50 MB Dash Text: [ESRB: E (EVERYONE)] Single Player, Xbox LIVE Multiplayer 1-2, Local Multiplayer 1-2, HD (High Definition). Ready to put your hex-busting skills to the test? The game’s not over until you build a full cluster, flower, or line of black pearls! For an extra layer of challenge, match wits with a friend or the devious computer player in Battle mode. Content: Ecco the Dolphin Price: 400 Microsoft Points Availability: All regions Size: 67.18 MB Dash Text: Single Player, HD (High Definition) Help Ecco the dolphin find his missing friends by exploring his vast ocean world. You must surface for air and keep an eye out for enemies as you search the depths. Eccos unique sonar ability will give you helpful information from other sea creatures.Source: