NEWS - Monday, September 24, 2007
Halo 3 will earn Microsoft $560m
The LA Times is finally trotting out the old Halo 3/Spider-Man 3 revenue comparisons that everyones been covering for weeks - but they have at least dug out some interesting figures about just how lucrative Halo 3s going to be for MS. Banking on global sales of around 10 million copies at an average price of $70 each when the dust settles in a couple of years, thats a total of $700m - of which Microsoft is expected to take 80 percent. Or $560m. Considering that Halo 3 cost around $30m to develop, another $20m to market and Microsoft is apparently paying out a staggering $25m in bonuses to key Bungie staff, theres still rather a large amount of money left over. Nearly $500m of spare change for everyones effort.Source: