NEWS - Wednesday, June 20, 2001

Upgradable Consoles?
One of the chaps from MSXbox has written a nice little read concerning "How much of an advantage does the Xbox, as a fixed platform, have over the competition?" Here is a taste:
A console is defined as a fixed platform. When you buy a console, the innards of your console will not be touched again. Ever. This makes the console a very attractive platform for developers, as they only need to test their game on the one console. PC developers on the other hand, must test their games on a wide variety of system configurations. With two primary CPU vendors, 3 major consumer operating systems being used, and 4 or 5 major video card vendors in existence, the amount of system configurations are almost infinite. Suddenly, developers must test their games extensively on many configurations. As a result, game developers dont test every configuration. So they average and you get the outcome of the laws of averaging: compromise.
Click here for the exciting climax!