NEWS - Sunday, July 1, 2001

A chat with Dene Carter
Dene Carter, managing director at Big Blue Box talked with about his company and their latest game, Project Ego. Talking of Project Ego (PE), when Peter Molyneux presented the game at E³, the media praised it as "Molyneuxs new game". How deeply is Peter/Lionhead involved in the development of Project Ego?DC: Peters a valued contributor to our project and hes come up with some really interesting ideas which have captured peoples imaginations to a great degree. On a day to day basis we get on with the mechanics of bringing our vision to life by ourselves, after all Peter has his own games to deal with! However, hes a fantastic spokesperson, and its marvellous having his help in getting the games message out to the gaming public. E3 wouldnt have been the same without him.
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