NEWS - Thursday, July 5, 2001

Gunmetal Interview
Rage is taking the Xbox plunge with its mightily pretty robot adventure, and all the signs are showing promise. Mech war’s just not what it used to be. If UK-based Rage has anything to do with it, gone will be the days of poorly designed robot action when Gunmetal releases for Xbox at launch next year. The game will show massive futuristic levels where every tree is a separate entity, where war rages on a grand scale and enormous ships lay waste to entire landscapes. Team tactics and an entrenched storyline should, theoretically, send the game over the top. Tree killers are go. Producer Phil Wilson took time out to answer CVG’s questions and revealed a rather disturbing propensity for animal death…CVG: Is the game an Xbox exclusive? Why did you decide to go with the Microsoft console and not the obvious choice of PlayStation 2?Click here for the interview.Phil Wilson: At the present time Gunmetal is scheduled as a console exclusive on Xbox. We decided that this particular project was best suited to Xbox as the development team were already working closely with nVidia when the Xbox was announced, so we had the expertise to get a head start technology wise. We did seriously consider PlayStation2 as well: we’d have been fools not to. But in the end we went with the console that best suited the needs of this particular game.