NEWS - Monday, July 13, 2009

MS Patents Third-Person Camera Scheme
Microsoft Game Studios recently filed for a patent (via Skoar) for a method of controlling a camera in a third-person console videogame.
The patent describes the method as having two viewing perspectives. The first is called the "explorer" viewpoint and it is said to offer a "wide angle of view of the surrounding combat area." The other, called the "ready" viewpoint "provides a narrower angle of view to facilitate better aiming when the character is engaged in armed combat." The transition between the two camera views is described as following a non-linear path.
Later in the patent application, this is mentioned specifically as being used for a console-based shooter where the camera moves between the two viewpoints as determined by the players location in pre-defined combat regions. It also mentions that the shooter can be "further configured to depict at least one of a squad status display and a radar display corresponding to a squad of player-selectable characters."
Before you get too excited about the possibilities, it should be noted that this patent application is a continuation of one previously filed in 2003 and numerous mentions of Brute Force are sprinkled throughout. Whether this new filing is in regard to a new upcoming game or a simple extension and clarification of past filings is unknown.