NEWS - Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Modern Warfare 2’s Prestige Edition is Insane
Gamers who want the "most limited" edition of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will be getting more than just a game.
Infinty Ward Community Manager Robert Bowling had been teasing on twitter a movie he had put together of the un-boxing of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 box. Little did we know that by "box" he meant "night vision goggles."
Let’s try and calm ourselves down here and go over what’s include.
First, they revealed there will be a "Harden Edition" that will retail for $80. This edition includes:
* Modern Warfare 2
* A tin case
* A token to download the original Call of Duty
* An artbook
Here’s the breakdown for what the "Prestige Edition" comes with:
* Modern Warfare 2: Harden Edition (see above)
* Fully functioning night vision goggles: alternating modes, MW2 branded with a sculpted head stand.
Price of the Prestige Edition was conveniently not revealed, but I confidently predict it will cost over $100.
The original Call of Duty download will be available for PSN, XBLA, and PC. It’s still unknown how much, if any, of the multiplayer modes will remain.
Edit: the Price was revealed for the Prestige Edition coming in at $149.99