NEWS - Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Mega Man 10 has been launched
Mega Man 10 has been launched on WiiWare and will be
available on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 later this month.
Capcom recently announced the release of the update to their
classic platformer. The game focuses on recreating classic
gameplay, though there are some new features. New updates
include the option to play as Proto Man, an easy difficulty mode,
and Mega Man Challenge minigames.
The story in Mega Man 10 focuses on a futuristic world torn apart
by malfunctioning robots. A suspicious outbreak of Roboenza, a
Robot Flu, has broken out. Infected robots have rampaged out of
control, destroyed the city and are holding it hostage. Its up to
Mega Man to take on this sinister threat and get to the bottom of
this viral mystery.
Mega Man 9 was released in 2008, and was the first update to
the series in over 10 years. The game will be available on
Playstation Network on March 11, and on Xbox LIVE on
March 31. Some Websites had previously reported March 1
as the UK release date, but Capcom has now confirmed release
in North America.