Hey everyone,

I want to address something I can't seem to understand.

I come on these forums alot. Its the best place to get the latest news and ask people about games I'm not to sure about, etc.

What I find disconcerting however is the lack of respect towards other members and consoles. It seems that whenever someone voices an opinion that is taboo to the so-called xbox-addict (such as sales doing badly in a region of the world... you almost all know what I'm referring too) this person is flamed. Or, in order to back up an argument they've made, some members will turn to insults instead of proof. Why is this? If I wanted to participate in discussions where the level of intelligence is that of a grade 3 kid learning how to cuss, I will just go see my neighbors little boy You should see this kids potty mouth! hehe.. but anyways...

Its not very becoming and not really the place to show your flaming "skills". Its a place where we come to discuss xbox related news, be it good OR bad.

Another thing I find quite annoying is the hypocrisy of many XBA members. Calling someone a "fanboy" is insulting it seems, however, I've noticed that most people that use this term are in fact themselves guilty of the same fanboyism (my new word of the day ). Calling the PS2 a PoS2 or a Gamecube a lamecube is simply childish and frankly serves no purpose at all.

Its one thing to take pride in a system, but many people seem to have forgotten the purpose of a console. Its too play games.

I own an Xbox, not a PS2 or a NGC.. my choice was based solely on the hardware specs at the time I purchased it. If I was to have based myself on games at the time of purchase, I would have gone with a PS2 for FFX, GTA3 and GT3. But, I'm a computer engineer (well.. in 8 months anyways) and I want top-notch bleeding edge technology! That doesn't mean that now that I own an Xbox I am going to be completely oblivious to the fact that there are still amazing games that are going to be (or already are) on the other consoles! Basically, the point I am trying to get across is that we should be focusing on games because in the end, thats the ONLY thing that matters. MS has alot (read too much! ) of money and there's no way in hell that with the resources they have they'd sit back and watch the xbox flop.

So, next time you read a post you don't agree with and you feel like flaming, why don't you just look the other way and not even give the original poster the satisfaction of replying. As you've all seen, flaming competitions NEVER accomplish anything but wasting everybody's time. Sure, they're fun to read from time to time, but it ain't the place!

Anyways, this thing is getting pretty long and I'm sorry, but I was really disgusted after reading a very long thread in which certain members decided to resort to name calling instead of factual evidence.

So, have a good one and remember that its ok to still be civilized, even if this is the internet.
