Two Matin Logan's for $1k? I don't think so. They start at $1300 for one and that is their low end. Get their Statements and they are $75k. Now those are some speakers. I would love to setup a home theatre will some Martin Logans and plan to in the future but way out of my reach now.

Of course that is nothing compared to this sucker.

The Grand Enigma System - one of the largest and most exclusive high-end consumer loudspeakers ever made.

This 12 ton system is fully active with 30kW of amplification, equipped with 24 ultrahigh efficiency planar-magnetic HF-units, 24 15-inch LF drivers and 48 6-inch MF drivers. Placed in a specially prepared subterranean listening room of 45,000 cubic feet, it presents sound with incredible dynamics and limitless power, easily reproducing live concert levels at a distance of 10 meters.

Imagine playing Halo on that.