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Thread: Official TES III: Morrowind Thread

  1. #1
    Master of the Universe Dre's Avatar
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    Arrow Official TES III: Morrowind Thread

    Well, I figure that since this game is gonna be huge, lots of people will have questions. What better place than in the XBA community to get answers.

    I've compiled all the info I could find that I wanted to know when I first started out, hopefully it will answer most questions of fellow Morrowind travellers. However, if you have any other questions, feel free to ask away and I or any of my fellow companions might be of assistance. Instead of cutting and pasting, often I will just refer you to a website containing information on that subject.

    With that, here's the info:

    Morrowind is a small region in the Empire of Tamriel:

    Map of Tamriel

    The island in Morrowind is called Vvardenfell, it is the home of the Dunmer (dark elves).

    When you initially set out on your quest, you must chose one of 10 races:

    Click here for a description of the races in Morrowind

    You also get to chose the gender of your character: male or female. This decision impacts your characters abilities as female and male will have different attributes/skills.

    Now, you can go about creating your character in 3 ways:
    1) Chose one of 21 pre-designed classes
    2) Answer thematic questions
    3) Assign everything yourself.

    If you chose option 3, there are skills to be chosen! First off, there are 5 major, 5 minor and whatever else miscellaneous skills. Your skills power (or level or whatever you wish to call them) increases as you use them. Major skills level faster then Minor skills. Minor skills level faster than miscellaneous skills. Skills include such things as: magic, combat and stealth.

    Click here for a description of the magic skills in Morrowind

    Click here for a description of the stealth skills in Morrowind

    Click here for a description of the combat skills in Morrowind

    Wow.. now thats alot of info.. especially for the beginning.. oh ya. One more thing your character has at the beginning is a birthsign. This is a one-time deal kind of stat. It adds specific stats to your character such as increased magicka, or the ability to heal yourself faster.

    Click here for a description of the birthsigns in Morrowind

    If you think that was alot to take into account, here's a site that does a pretty good job of helping you plan a character.

    Okay, now with all that out of the way, there are other aspects of Morrowind that you must take into consideration during your travels. One of those being the three Great Houses in Morrowind. You join one of three houses, this like everything else in Morrowind is not obligatory though, either the Helvanni house, the Redoran house or the Hlaalu house. Each house is different and depending which house you are in certain NPC's will be friendlier or meaner towards you. You will obviously start low in rank in your house, but as you grow more powerful and do quests for others, etc. you will be promoted.

    House Helvanni: They are isolationists, and for the most part, mysterious and even inscrutable. Their houses stand out from the rest of the islands structures, in that they are actually grown rather than constructed. It is said if you grow powerful enough in this house you will have the ability to grow your own wizard tower.

    House Hlaalu: their house is closely associated with a mix of theives and merchants and those out looking for profit as opposed to glory or knowlege.

    House Redoran: This is the house of the honorable fighters. Honor and loyalty are the governing factors of this house.

    There is much more than this to the houses, however, you'll find most information in game I'm told. Of note, is that although you may join only one of the three houses, you are free to join as many of the lesser guilds present in Morrowind.

    Vampirism is present in Morrowind. Should you be so unfortunate (or fortunate depending on how you look at it!) to be bitten, you will not be able to walk in sunlight without taking a serious and continuous hit to your health. NPC's will also be afraid of you and stop talking to you. This makes it very hard to complete the main quest of the game. Only a few NPC's will still talk to you as a Vampire and its up to you to find them. They may have a special quest or 2 waiting for you. Be warned though, there are still Vampire Hunter's roaming the lands of Morrowind. As a vampire you are introduced to a whole new realm. 3 vampire clans exist in Morrowind:
    Excerpt from Q&A session with developer Mark Nelson

    The Quarra vampires are strong and barbaric. They are the most physically powerful of the clans, and they are exceptionally cruel. They seek to rule the other clans through brute force.

    The Aundae vampires seek domination through the imposition of their will. They are powerful in magic, and hungry for power.

    The Berne are the most subtle of the vampire clans. They slide through the night to hunt their prey, and seek power through cunning, not force.

    It has been said that it is possible that a VERY powerful vampire mage could make a healing spell to offset the damage the sun does. This would however have to be a very strong spell and would require lots of magicka.

    An interesting thing to know concerning thievery is that all stolen items are marked. Should you steal an item from a merchant you cannot sell back to this same merchant, for he will recognize his goods. If you get caught with stolen goods by town-guards, all your stolen items are taken away from you and you are thrown in jail.

    Merchants do not have an infinite supply of money, so the days of using the same merchant to sell everything too are gone as he might well not have the funds that your item is worth!

    Transport between cities is done on foot (obviously) or through the use of a transit system. Not much known about this transit system yet although it seems you ride gigantic bugs. I'll update when I know more.

    Interesting Links
    Good FAQ from Euro-Morrowind
    Really neat Q&A's with some developers (scroll to bottom for previous)

    And of course:

    Well, thats about it for now.. I will update this post more and more as time permits and more is known. Until then.. enjoy yourselves.
    Last edited by Dre; 04-22-2002 at 12:39 PM.
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  2. #2
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    That's awesome man! Thanks so much. You did a very nice job too!

    I am quite into this game (understatement), and know a lot about it, but I even learned something by reading your post. Mainly the map and Morrowind world. The names of the countries and areas confused me, and I had been looking for a map. Thanks a lot, I've got all that cleared up. Good work.

  3. #3
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    Sorry if my questions is extremely simple, but I have not been paying much attention to morrowind. All i'm wondering is if the battle sequences are turnbased or real time.
    Oregon State

  4. #4
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    They are real-time! Yeah!!

  5. #5
    The Game Is Not Over!!! Nato King's Avatar
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    Originally posted by khaos2005
    That's awesome man!
    This is very awesome Dre. I love it. I feel you really did a good job here and I Thank you for that.

  6. #6
    Registered User studepaber's Avatar
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    Thanks alot Dre, after reading your info on this SHWEET game you got me even more pumped for this title. Between this game and RE for GC I will not be leaving my apartment for several weeks.

    *will prepare himself for this event by purchasing 100 burritos for 100 dollars*

  7. #7
    Benfica! Calve's Avatar
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    Thanks Dre thats sweet!!

    N e ways.......
    If you get bitten by a vampire, are u a vamp for the rest of the game or can you be cured or something!!



  8. #8
    Master of the Universe Dre's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Calve
    Thanks Dre thats sweet!!

    N e ways.......
    If you get bitten by a vampire, are u a vamp for the rest of the game or can you be cured or something!!


    From what I read, Vampirism is a disease.

    Fact: Diseases can be cured in Morrowind with potions, healers, etc. However, I'm unsure if this is still the case with Vampirism.

    Opinion: I don't think you can cure Vampirism. Its a one shot deal and you're stuck with it. Don't take my word as being the voice of god though.. I'll let you know if I find more concrete info on this.

    And by the way, thanks to each and everyone of you! The praise was welcome and well met.
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  9. #9
    Ya Stand Meh!!?!?!!111 JJaX's Avatar
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    When your a vampire, Where do you go during the day for shelter?

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  10. #10
    Master of the Universe Dre's Avatar
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    Originally posted by JJaX
    When your a vampire, Where do you go during the day for shelter?
    Most probably in a cave of some sorts. I'm thinking that the three vampire factions must also have strongholds that you might be able to stay at (depending which one you're in of course..).
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  11. #11
    Registered User Bundy's Avatar
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    Originally posted by JJaX
    When your a vampire, Where do you go during the day for shelter?
    you can kill a npc, and stay in there house.

  12. #12
    Registered User studepaber's Avatar
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    Default So many possibilites.....

    I love the fact you can be turned into a vampire during the game, too bad there's no werewolf though... Some things I was pondering were if you are turned into a vampire....

    1) can you fly?
    2) if you are far along in the game and you turn are your magic/combat skills the same or will you possess additional skills, i.e. flying, blood suck/drain, etc.?
    3) if you build your ranks very high in a house or guild then turn what will your comrades think? can you also join a vampire group?

    those are just a few things I've been wondering about this game, only a couple more weeks until I have answers

    BTW I wish they would've included backstabbing for thieves, but I'm just being too particular.

  13. #13
    Master of the Universe Dre's Avatar
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    Default Re: So many possibilites.....

    Originally posted by studepaber
    I love the fact you can be turned into a vampire during the game, too bad there's no werewolf though... Some things I was pondering were if you are turned into a vampire....

    1) can you fly?
    2) if you are far along in the game and you turn are your magic/combat skills the same or will you possess additional skills, i.e. flying, blood suck/drain, etc.?
    3) if you build your ranks very high in a house or guild then turn what will your comrades think? can you also join a vampire group?

    those are just a few things I've been wondering about this game, only a couple more weeks until I have answers

    BTW I wish they would've included backstabbing for thieves, but I'm just being too particular.
    1) No, but if you have the levitation skill it supposedly takes alot less magicka to use.. so in sorts yes

    2) I believe you keep your skills. Being vampire isn't all good though, I'm sure it has its downfalls as well as it ups when it comes to skills. As for bloodsucking, you don't have to do it, but its an easy way to regain lost health.

    3) I'm not to sure about this.. I think it would be really awesome though if you could like become the leader of one of the factions and wage war on the others.. and then who knows.. maybe conquer all of morrowind!
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  14. #14
    The answer is forty-two frog11983's Avatar
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    Default A question about clothing...

    I know it may not be that big of a factor, but what about clothing? Have there been any details released about how you can dress your newly created character? Or do they come "pre-dressed"? It could affect your gameplay a little I suppose, maybe if a NPC thought that what you were wearing was obsecne or something, but are there choices to what you can dress your character like? I know that during the game you can get different armor that will affect your appearal, but I am mostly talking about when you first start out and are creating your person. Any thoughts?

  15. #15
    Master of the Universe Dre's Avatar
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    Every article in Morrowind is WYSIWYG, be it swords, armor, hair piece, boots, etc.
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  16. #16
    Ya Stand Meh!!?!?!!111 JJaX's Avatar
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    Default Re: A question about clothing...

    Originally posted by frog11983
    I know it may not be that big of a factor, but what about clothing? Have there been any details released about how you can dress your newly created character? Or do they come "pre-dressed"? It could affect your gameplay a little I suppose, maybe if a NPC thought that what you were wearing was obsecne or something, but are there choices to what you can dress your character like? I know that during the game you can get different armor that will affect your appearal, but I am mostly talking about when you first start out and are creating your person. Any thoughts?
    The cool thing about all this is, NPC will react to what your wearing. If you roll up in shiny armor, Impress them. Roll up in rags they will disrespect you.

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  17. #17
    The answer is forty-two frog11983's Avatar
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    Hey guys, check out these screen shots I found on gamespot, sweet water!

    Look at the ripples...

    I bet you can increase the length of time you can hold your breath.

    Head on over to here to see a bunch of cool shots from the Xbox version. This game is going to be rad. Sorry if you have all seen these, I thought I would share one of my "hey thats cool" moments with you.


  18. #18
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    Originally posted by frog11983

    I bet you can increase the length of time you can hold your breath.
    Yeah, by my understanding that's one of the things that the alteration skill does. Since it allows you to manipulate the enviroment, I read somewhere that underwater you can canvert the H20 into O2, and thus breath it just like plain air. I look forward to exploring all of the cool stuff it looks like you can do w/ Alteration. It's definetly going to be one of my major skills...

    In response to frog's post, yes the water is quite cool. I especially like the way it parts behind the moving body. But on of the things that struck me in addition to the water effects was th awesome detailed shadow that was cast.

    What's making me the maddest is that rumor has it that the Xbox version is done, and for once I believe the rumor. The only reason it hasn't gone gold yet (the PC version has!) is because it has to go through Microsoft Quality Assurance. But if you ask me, this is not nessessary. Because of daggerfall the devs company of morrowind has a bad reputation af releasing unstable games....they are obviously trying very hard to do away w/ this reputaion. Not only this but it's emperically shown through games like Kabuki Warriors that Microsoft QA does absolutely nothing.


  19. #19
    XBOX Junkie Plutonium's Avatar
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    If previous Daggerfall items will be included in this game, the alchemist will be able to create underwater breathing potions as well as levitation and even waterwalk!! I don't know to what extent they have developped potion creation in Morrowind, but it always helps to have a few restoration and invisibilty potions that don't require any spell points.

    I think it will also be possible to create magic items bound to soul stones that have these magic properties, either as a spells or ability. These items were extremely powerful in Daggerfall. Some even included life leech and mana leech.


  20. #20
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    Default One Question..

    If I wanted to be a hand to hand type fighter, and I chose the birthsign of The Steed, would that increase my run speed, or would it decrease the delay between each punch I throw?

    I have in my head the vision of a lightning quick martial artist..
    In EverQuest the faster the delay the more dmg per second you will do, just wondering if I would be able to use similar kinds of dmg rules..

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