Anybody have readed the news from everywhere, right ?? So Serious Sam will hit the Xbox this fall. That's is the features for the Xbox version:

¤Amazingly innovative stages taking place in wide-open desert settings. With graphics so crisp and clear you¹ll almost feel the sand in your boots, and the sun in your eyes.

¤Serious Sam has the largest possible number of enemies on the screen for any game, making for high-adrenaline, intense action.

¤Four-player split-screen multiplayer option.

¤Killer split-screen deathmatch option. Up to 16 players with system link.

¤Get deadly serious through insane power-ups -- Invulnerability, Invisibility, Serious Damage and Serious Speed. There¹s nothing you can't handle while jacked on these.

¤Hack, Blast, and Annihilate 150 different creatures.......what ??? 150 differents creatures to hunt ? Are you serious ? In every 3d shooter, the number of ennemies is around 10 to 20 (Even Halo) but this is 150. How about everyone's opinion ?