Does anyone have more information on the copy protection method (or scheme, if you will) that the XBOX will be using? I have read that the XBOX will be using a protection method called "Cactus Data Shield" created by an Israeli company called Midbar. (link)

Since this technology has been proven in the past to cause problems not just with those of us who would like a backup copy of our expensive XBOX software, but also for those just wanting to play the disc in the first place, one can't help but wonder if this is a smart choice.

Also, since this is my first post on these forums, let me say that I'm a definate XBOX supporter and have no love for Sony. My current fav system is definately the recently deceased Dreamcast (RIP). I can't wait for Nov. 15th to get a chance to check out the 'box for myself.

So I ask you -- what do you think of this copy protection choice? Will it cause us -- the XBOX users -- to have troubles in the future with our expensive software? Let's hope not.

Please post your thoughts on this in this thread. I'm very interested to hear what you have to say about it. Thanks.

=w= RedFive =w=