everyone who knows me knows im not a ps2 or gamecube fanboy!
I am ALL for the XBOX but Sunday the most awfull thing happend!
i went over to my friends house to play halo on HIS xbox, since he doesnt have it yet. i put the cd in and it gave me a message saying somethine along the line that the xbox doesnt reconize the disc and to make sure its an xbox game or a dvd. i was like
"oh *****" then i took it out and tried again, this time it said it was a dvd and i needed the dvd playback kit to use it, at this point my hands where shaking, then i tried fuzion frenzy and it worked on the first try, my hands stoped shaking so much, but i put halo in and it said it was a dvd again, so my friend pluged in his dvd playback kit and then it said it doesnt reconize the cd. my hands started shaking again. i tried again and Finaly it worked!!!
you guys got to belive me im not lieing! you know im not a pos2 or lamecube fanboy!!

the only thing i can think of that caused something to go wrong is that i have my dvd playback kit always pluged in to the 4th controller slot.
could this be the problem???? SOME ONE HELP ME!!!