Frist off i want to say that my halo experince was unbliveable. I was fourtuable enfu u have the ideal experince to play halo. I play lan with my buddies about every weekend and i got good enfu to play competively in nationl tournaments, and it is without any question the greatest game i have every play in my life time

so with all that here it is.

my one and only request for halo2 is that it be fair. If u havent relized it already the reason that halo is so good is that every thing is blanced. No gun stands out more than the others (exectp pistol). when i hear that they are going to do 2 races that scraded me becuase i am fearing that it will be like UC and every 1 wont start with the same thing.

anyway thats it sry if i have alot of type O's