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Microsoft's bizarre European Xbox promotions set to make Sony's Third Place look sensible

17:18 When Xbox launches in Europe on March 14, it will not only change the way we perceive videogames, but fundamentally alter the very fabric of society. Or so Microsoft would have us believe. What could be more obvious? A hairy bar of soap; a stag with handlebars; a manta ray with handles - all inextricably involved in the "redefinition of the work ethic," the arrival of Xbox heralds. Even Geri Halliwell never got this deep, man.
Four vivid images - released today, marking the beginningof Microsoft's European push - are to be used to promote the console, each trumpeting the new Xbox marketing slogan, "Play More." Harvey Eagle, European advertising manager for Xbox states in a press release accompanying the images that: "The advertising perfectly captures the spirit of the Xbox brand." Still confused by the false teeth and ****tail umbrella, we tracked Eagle down, in order for him to explain the meaning behind the campaign.

Eagle - The advertising perfectly captures the spirit of the Xbox brand. The initial wave of executions defines what "Play More" means and as the campaign develops, further executions show how real life changes when you view the world with a "Play More" attitude.

Can you explain the concept of "Play More"?

Eagle - We're all living life harder than we ever did. And one of the things that emerged through research is that it's important to get the balance right between work and play. From the day we're born we instinctively play, but as we go through life, play tends to get relegated in the pecking order, so we're addressing that by encouraging people to make more time in their lives for play.

How is this concept symbolised by hairy soap and stags with handlebars?

Eagle - The brand ads are showing how the world changes when you look at it with a Play More attitude, so a stag becomes an opportunity to, you know, have a ride. A bar of soap with a pube gives an opportunity to make someone smile by creating a face, etc.

Do you not feel you're just being surreal for surreal's sake, and trying to outdo Sony with its rather vague "Third Place" concept?

Eagle - Not at all. It's an entirely different concept from Third Place. I don't really want to comment on what Third Place means, but Play More is very much a positive call to action which is very different from the PlayStation promise.

In the press release there are some quite bold socio-political statements, like: "Through extensive research in Europe we've identified, and will tap into, a change in mindset pervading European youth culture - a redefinition of the work ethic," seemingly linking Xbox to this shift. Isn't it just about playing games?

Eagle - Oh, it's totally about the games - of course. But at the same time, we're building a brand, and a great brand stands for something: we want to champion play.

But, you feel Xbox is part of a redefinition of the European youth's work ethic?

Eagle - Xbox is a new brand, and this is a long journey - something that's going to evolve over a long time. We're being sympathetic to what we think people feel out there.

"Play More" is quite similar to McDonald's tagline, "Enjoy More," isn't it? Do you see certain similarities there?

Eagle - [laughs] I can't say I do.

The website is initially very confusing, but has many entertaining little features. Was this essentially what you were trying to achieve?

Eagle - It's simply: "We made you play and we hope we gave you five minutes of entertainment in your work day" - and that's really all this campaign is about.

What's certain is that the campaign is vivid, striking, and challenges you to think about how it relates to Xbox - which is precisely what Microsoft wants you to do. Once you've checked out the images, we suggest you head straight to the official Play More website, which is filled with things to do, nice touches, and media to experience. Backed by such a campaign. expect the mighty Xbox to garner a huge amount of attention in the run up to the March 14 launch. You can run, but you can't hide.