In the latest OXM Seamus speaks to the OXM reader while on a bullet train to Osaka. Here's a little bit of the juice...

"I can't tell you what publisher I'm going to visit, but I can tell you that what I'm going to see today comes from a very respected development team, a team that has been instrumental to the success of another platfom, and ultimately a team that has desided to move to Xbox. This is a project that they have been dreaming of for a few years now, but finally felt they could pull off with the power and innovation that they see on Xbox. It's not just a new game - although it is a very cool concept from a brilliant team - it's a new game with an innovative new piece of hardware designed specifically for it. I can't tell you much more than that. And yes, I know, I suck. Next time I'll have more details, but rest assured that your going to freak when you see pictures and screenshots - a lot of people should plan on losing sleep and camping out at their local game shops waiting for this baby."


Could this be "SQUARE?" all i can say is WHOA!!

If you have the newest issue of OXM turn to page 21 and look at the expression on Seamus' face! He almost looks to say, "Yep, we got them to sign with us!"