Here's my 2 cents on this here dead horse of a subject. There's no questioning the fact that XBox's bread and butter market is the "older" crowed consisting of 18-24 year olds. The individuals willing to shell out series cash for their bells and whistles entertainment. I'm a member of said audience, no longer interested Japanese style roleplaying/soap opera games (FFX). Nore more of the same reguritated formats (GT3 more of the same, MGS2 ripping off things the PC did years ago). I purchased the Xbox for it's potential game content, that which would appeal to my age demograph. GTA3 is a prime example of this. Over the top comedy displayed in a violent format. This game is absolutely hilarious, and I honestly considered purchasing a PS2 just for it. However I've decided to wait, applying a litmus test to MS's willingness to provide to the market they've so zealously dogged. If they do indeed fail to secure the rights, then obviously I've chosen the wrong system for my entertainment. However if GTA3 is in fact released for the Xbox then I believe their content for the mature audience will only broaden....hopefully it works out. Or the fanboys would have been right

Reverend Love