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Thread: Eddie_the_Hated's Customs: Orange Box, GOW and More

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Default Eddie_the_Hated's Customs: Orange Box, GOW and More

    Hey folks. I registered quite some time ago, was active for a matter of weeks, and then promptly dropped off the face of the earth. I've done quite a bit of modding since then, and am in the process of compiling all my works here.

    There's a complete case along with this. Pictures soon.

    Edit:... I just took a bunch of **** on this from the boys on the Kikizo forums, where I also frequent. That's a LEG, in far-too-long khaki shorts in that shot...

    My first casemod. It's close to two years old now, but I still like the color scheme.

    My old GOW plate, Frank Miller inspired.

    Decidedly not faceplates, but I think they have a place here, as they're customized, and related to the 360.

  2. #2


    I love the Black/Yellow one. How much time does putting a window in take?
    Executive Editor

  3. #3


    Welcome... or welcome BACK...

    Any kind of pics are welcome, including modded consoles, we just don't TALK about modding. You're fine. And those are cool.
    Faceplates at Hidden Content
    Kinect at Hidden Content .

  4. #4


    Welcome, errr Back that is.. Nice mods you've done there definitely would like to see more pics of your work. The controllers look hot.... Thanks for sharing.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    I love the Black/Yellow one. How much time does putting a window in take?
    It depends on the size, complexity and piece type.

    It takes me roughly a week to paint a case: One day for paint, another day for the second layer, and second color, about five days to let the paint cure, and do all the necessary finishing touches, and then the clearcoat layer, which I leave for a day or so to harden, and to make sure it doesn't have an adverse reaction to the paint I use. (Holy run-on sentence Batman!!!)

    Yeah... realistically though? It's about two weeks. I have a hard time finishing projects, I like to flip around back and forth between things, so I rarely finish in the time it should take me. In fact, right now, I haven't even finished that Orange Box faceplate. I've moved on to a World at War plate, and will be posting photos of that when I can find a few AAs for my camera. :-/
    Last edited by Eddie_the_Hated; 08-03-2008 at 02:11 PM.

  6. #6
    Custom Painter mypainteffects's Avatar
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    Feb 2008
    Kansas City, MO


    Great work, very clean... Except for the GOW, which happens to be my favorite! Very nice work, keep the pictures coming. Oh, and welcome back

  7. #7


    Welcome... back Nice work. Love the Gears plate. The half-life one's nice too, keep it up.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    Alas poor Faceplatio, I knew him, my friend; a fellow of infinite style, of most excellent fancy; I hath borne him on my 360 a thousand times; and now, where be your orange hue? your black text? your accenting chip marks? your flashes of merriment, that were wont to set the Xbox on a roar? Not one now, to mock your own grinning? quite chapfallen? Now get you to my lady’s chamber, and tell her, let her [re]paint ye an inch thick.

    RIP Orange Box Faceplate.

    He went to the Lord violently, launched off the top of a '99 Jeep Cherokee at fifty odd miles an hour on August sixth. He leaves behind three new faceplate designs, and a rather pissed off starving artist, who can't believe he left his current project sitting on the luggage rack of his own damn car...

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Eddie_the_Hated View Post
    Alas poor Faceplatio, I knew him, my friend; a fellow of infinite style, of most excellent fancy; I hath borne him on my 360 a thousand times; and now, where be your orange hue? your black text? your accenting chip marks? your flashes of merriment, that were wont to set the Xbox on a roar? Not one now, to mock your own grinning? quite chapfallen? Now get you to my lady’s chamber, and tell her, let her [re]paint ye an inch thick.

    RIP Orange Box Faceplate.

    He went to the Lord violently, launched off the top of a '99 Jeep Cherokee at fifty odd miles an hour on August sixth. He leaves behind three new faceplate designs, and a rather pissed off starving artist, who can't believe he left his current project sitting on the luggage rack of his own damn car...

    That sucketh mightily, dude.
    Faceplates at Hidden Content
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  10. #10
    Spaceghost's KK KatamariKutie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eddie_the_hated View Post
    alas Poor Faceplatio,

    Et Al......

    Who Can't Believe He Left His Current Project Sitting On The Luggage Rack Of His Own Damn Car...

    I Demand More Posts!

  11. #11
    Previously: RELAXED SamSmith's Avatar
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    Dublin, Ireland


    Cosmetic modding is fine, just not software haxx1ing.

    I can never see the difference :o

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Sam-XBA View Post
    Cosmetic modding is fine, just not software haxx1ing.

    I can never see the difference :o
    You don't buy the software, you license its use. It's not yours to haxxorz. You can't rent an apartment and then remodel.

    Ditto for the hardware. Altering the hardware alters the performance of the software and it's part of the licensing agreement.

    That's one of the reasons they made faceplates because they're seperate from the console and you can do anything to them you want to without violating the licensing agreement.

    I'll tolerate anything anyone wants to discuss about faceplates, and I'll tolerate discussions of painting or decorating sealed consoles. But if it involves opening a console, for any reason including cosmetic, then we would be encouraging a procedure that violates the licensing agreement of the console and I won't allow that.
    Faceplates at Hidden Content
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  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    I Demand More Posts!
    I'm currently waiting for my decal man to ship me bits for my next project. A new post in a week or so when it gets here, and I can finish up my WIP plate.

    Cosmetic modding is fine, just not software haxx1ing.
    Understandably so. I've been white-hat for a few years now. No copyright-law trouble for Eddie if he can avoid it.

    Ditto for the hardware. Altering the hardware alters the performance of the software and it's part of the licensing agreement.
    Even from a very technical sense, that's arguable.

    Me dremelling a window in a case only affects the software running insomuch as the difference in materials (plastic to plexiglass) effects heat conductivity. Me adding a 12-volt fan to the front of my CPU heatsink simply allows the console to run closer to optimal temperature, in no way modifying to do what a stock case could not (a stock case will run at that slightly cooler temperature for a short time as it begins running).

    I was always under the impression that the hardware I purchase is mine to alter as I see fit. Now, granted, the software is only licensed to me, and if they felt that in any way I was violating their licensing agreement, they could terminate their end of the bargain, and alter the software to ban me from Xbox Live.

    It would be akin to stating that because I opened an out-of-the-box PC to upgrade my RAM, I'm in the wrong. Again, granted, I've voided the warranty, and trying to regain the privileges granted to me while under warranty would be fraud, but I'm failing to see the infraction in cosmetic case modding.

    I'll tolerate anything anyone wants to discuss about faceplates, and I'll tolerate discussions of painting or decorating sealed consoles. But if it involves opening a console, for any reason including cosmetic, then we would be encouraging a procedure that violates the licensing agreement of the console and I won't allow that.
    A lot of times the pieces I do are full coherent case, plate and HDD mods, and I feel that the effect is somewhat lost on certain plates without the matching case. Now, with my disagreement fully voiced, I understand that being the senior member here, that is 100% your call.

    So, would you prefer that I didn't post pictures of my casemodded boxes period, or would you like me to simply not get into the repeatable details?
    Last edited by Eddie_the_Hated; 08-19-2008 at 04:42 PM.

  14. #14
    Spaceghost's KK KatamariKutie's Avatar
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    Feb 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Eddie_the_Hated View Post
    I'm currently waiting for my decal man to ship me bits for my next project. A new post in a week or so when it gets here, and I can finish up my WIP plate.
    More pics are okay - I was LOL'ing for reals at the absolute hilarity in the way you told the story - and THAT is what I want more of.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Eddie_the_Hated View Post
    I'm currently waiting for my decal man to ship me bits for my next project. A new post in a week or so when it gets here, and I can finish up my WIP plate.

    Understandably so. I've been white-hat for a few years now. No copyright-law trouble for Eddie if he can avoid it.

    Even from a very technical sense, that's arguable.

    Me dremelling a window in a case only affects the software running insomuch as the difference in materials (plastic to plexiglass) effects heat conductivity. Me adding a 12-volt fan to the front of my CPU heatsink simply allows the console to run closer to optimal temperature, in no way modifying to do what a stock case could not (a stock case will run at that slightly cooler temperature for a short time as it begins running).

    I was always under the impression that the hardware I purchase is mine to alter as I see fit. Now, granted, the software is only licensed to me, and if they felt that in any way I was violating their licensing agreement, they could terminate their end of the bargain, and alter the software to ban me from Xbox Live.

    It would be akin to stating that because I opened an out-of-the-box PC to upgrade my RAM, I'm in the wrong. Again, granted, I've voided the warranty, and trying to regain the privileges granted to me while under warranty would be fraud, but I'm failing to see the infraction in cosmetic case modding.

    A lot of times the pieces I do are full coherent case, plate and HDD mods, and I feel that the effect is somewhat lost on certain plates without the matching case. Now, with my disagreement fully voiced, I understand that being the senior member here, that is 100% your call.

    So, would you prefer that I didn't post pictures of my casemodded boxes period, or would you like me to simply not get into the repeatable details?

    Show the pics without offering details is fine.

    By the way, if I disagree or something, it's just a discussion. I don't want you to think I'm trying to start an argument, fair enough?

    The problem with modding a console is that the general public has no idea what it entails. They don't know about power consumption, or air flow, or anything like that. Cutting a hole in a console may seem like it would actually help the machine by getting it more air, but it doesn't work that way. The machine is designed to draw air in from the sides and across the chips to absorb the heat, and then it's pulled out the back. I've seen boxes where there was an opening created, so the fans were pulling the air... well, out of the air, instead of across the chips, so the chips stayed hot. Also, as a former merchandiser for Xbox, I went to countless stores - most notably Targets - who put fans behind the consoles to cool them. The console blew the hot air out the back, and the Target fans blew it RIGHT back in again.

    The system was also designed to power USB items, but was not designed to have power to spare IN the system. With the system getting as hot as it does, they wanted to feed it the minimum amount of power they could and still run the unit. Anything, from adding fans to lights to whatever, affects the performance of the whole unit. And I know, for a fact, that MS has ways of detecting that. Not only do they NOT want their system screwed up (after all, they can be responsible for what THEY do but they can't be responsible for what YOU do), but they also don't want cheating or piracy, something that is done through hardware modding.

    By the way, I know that not just by hearing from people who've been shut down, but by talking to the people who do the shutting down. They work with incredible restraint with the power they have available to them to decide who does and doesn't "get to play." Some of it is physical and some of it is legal.

    Lastly, I'm not a senior member here, either. Rules are laid down for me by Kamshaft, who owns the site. He's already let us bend a few rules like allowing direct links to eBay auctions - even to pimp our own stuff. Before the Faceplate Forums, that was a no-no. But the whole modding thing mainly has to do with the site's relationship with Microsoft. MS doesn't allow modding talk in the Xbox forums, so we don't allow it here, either. Any site that does mod talk is NOT going to have any kind of a relationship with Microsoft except an adversarial one, and we'd rather have the good relationship than a good modding forum. That's all.
    Faceplates at Hidden Content
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  16. #16


    After rereading my post, there was something I missed.

    Imagine Microsoft making this enormous network of game machines. 25 million identical machines all tied together through Xbox LIVE. If there is a problem, they can pinpoint it because they know all the machines are the same.

    Now with PC's the machines are NOT all the same. It's no wonder so many peopel have operating system issues. How to you write an operating system that runs on millions of computers when every one of them is different?

    Nobody wants Xbox LIVE to become the nightmare Windows is, and the way to prevent that is to have a standard: every console the same. OR 2-3 versions, but not hundreds or thousands of variations.

    The other point I wanted to make involves game makers. They ship their games knowing the specs of the consoles that will be playing their games. So what happens if someone mods a console and then suddenly their games run poorly? Is it fair to Activision to have a bunch of reports circulating about the poor performance of their games when the people with the issues are playing on modded consoles? Legally, from the game makers standpoint, MS has to take a firm stand on users altering what amounts to a closed system (all consoles plus LIVE).

    (I've been out of the house all day and my fingers are having a revolt. They demand to type and are holding the rest of me hostage.)
    Faceplates at Hidden Content
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  17. #17
    Join Date
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    By the way, if I disagree or something, it's just a discussion. I don't want you to think I'm trying to start an argument, fair enough?
    Yep, I'm just speaking my mind. I'm used to pretty heavy debate forums. OOOOOH! But there are SO many points there I want to respond to.... but I won't.... because hijacking my own thread is just silly

    Lastly, I'm not a senior member here, either.
    Senior-er than myself was the implication, but I gotcha.

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