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Thread: Responding to Microsoft, Nintendo chops the price of the GameCube in Europe

  1. #1
    GO SEAHAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! l Maximus l's Avatar
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    Default Responding to Microsoft, Nintendo chops the price of the GameCube in Europe

    Nintendo cuts price for European GameCube launch

    Following Microsoft's price cut for the Xbox, Nintendo announces a price cut for the GameCube launch.

    Nintendo has announced that the Nintendo GameCube will launch across Europe on May 3 at a recommended retail price of 199 euros ($175) instead of the original price of 249 euros ($220). "Europe is a very important market for Nintendo and we are committed to making it a success," said David Gosen, managing director of Nintendo Europe. "On May 3 we will launch the only dedicated games console, the Nintendo GameCube, with an excellent software lineup, both for launch and throughout 2002, at a very competitive price. This is a very strong offer for consumers and one that we believe will ensure Nintendo's success across Europe."
    In related news, the German edition of industry paper MCV recently reported that Sony will wait for the most current sales numbers at the end of May before reevaluating the pricing of the PlayStation 2.,00.html

  2. #2
    I'm World Famous. Kraft's Avatar
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    But that still put the box at a more expensive price than the cube didn't it? Wait a minute, that means Nintendo is unsure of the cubes ability to compete with the box at an equal price range... Hrmmm...

  3. #3
    Home Theatre Guru LynxFX's Avatar
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    This is why I like competition and we NEED 3 very competitive console makers in the market.

    Way to put on the pressure Microsoft.
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  4. #4
    I know stuff Spaztic's Avatar
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    lets be honest, if the gamecube and the xbox are the same price....which one is going to sell more???....ummm can we say xbox!

  5. #5
    GO SEAHAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! l Maximus l's Avatar
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    Originally posted by bryanhls
    lets be honest, if the gamecube and the xbox are the same price....which one is going to sell more???....ummm can we say xbox!
    I'll say it!!! XBOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. #6
    I know stuff Spaztic's Avatar
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    the only problem is that fanboys that work at these stores will die for there system and tell people why the gamecube and ps2 are better.....Usually when I catch people doing this I will butt in with a comment like. "But you forgot to tell the xbox has online, hardrive, better graphics, support by a multimillion doller company, and honestly do you want to by the ps2 now when in a couple of months you will see your error and buy a xbox anyways." I have talked quite a few people into making the biggest mistake of there life! I don't believe someone can sleep at night after selling a console to a person who dosn't know what they are buying!

  7. #7
    Craziest Mofo in the XBA Crazy Joe's Avatar
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    Originally posted by bryanhls
    I have talked quite a few people <big>into</big> making the biggest mistake of there life! I don't believe someone can sleep at night after selling a console to a person who dosn't know what they are buying!
    You mean talked people OUT right? unless you were telling them to buy a PS2?

  8. #8
    Registered User Halo of Flies's Avatar
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    Originally posted by bryanhls
    I have talked quite a few people into making the biggest mistake of there life!
    Is that when you're chatting them up? - j/k

  9. #9
    Registered User UnitedKingdom's Avatar
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    The xboxs selling point is the latest technolgy and multiple functions (dvd, cd audio, internet). The gamecubes selling point is simple and cheap. Nintendo know people will be tempted to get an xbox at a cheaper price because its such good value and they've had to react in an area which is one of their key selling points, cheap!

    p.s. Halo of flies, what free games you planning on getting. I'm waiting until friday when they update the list, hope its not just the release titles.
    Last edited by UnitedKingdom; 04-23-2002 at 07:23 AM.

  10. #10
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    Originally posted by bryanhls
    the only problem is that fanboys that work at these stores will die for there system and tell people why the gamecube and ps2 are better.....Usually when I catch people doing this I will butt in with a comment like. "But you forgot to tell the xbox has online, hardrive, better graphics, support by a multimillion doller company, and honestly do you want to by the ps2 now when in a couple of months you will see your error and buy a xbox anyways." I have talked quite a few people into making the biggest mistake of there life! I don't believe someone can sleep at night after selling a console to a person who dosn't know what they are buying!
    Yeah mate I've seen this happen to many times now, with the GC and PS2 fanboys rant and rave about there inferior machine saying the XBOX has no games and twice as many people pre-booked the GC than the XBOX and other crap like that, anyway like you I've corrected sale staff and customer of the errors and told them the truth with most of the stuff you put up there.

    I mean thinking about it, if they want a bigger bonus in their salary they shouldn't blast any machine as the more they sell the more money they earn, bloody idiots

  11. #11
    I'm World Famous. Kraft's Avatar
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    Yeah, the nice people at my local best buy were <i>more</i> than happy to sell me an xbox and hype it up more than microsoft ever did. I heard this guy say things like "future of gaming", "most advanced technology available", etc. etc. Of course, then he tried to sell me 500 dollars worth of crap along with it. Goofy best buy people don't realize some people are on a budget and can only afford a game and an extra controller to start off with...

  12. #12
    GO SEAHAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! l Maximus l's Avatar
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    I predict that after Europeans actually see what Nintendo has in store for them with the GameCube, they will be disappointed and the hype will be in the past and the XBox will be scooped up instead.

    For a few extra bucks, Europeans, like everyone else, will be able to have:

    1. A processor that is twice as fast
    2. A far more superior graphics card
    3. On-line capability
    4. System Link capability
    5. DVD player
    6. The ability to play 4 + people
    7. The ability to buy something other than Mario, Luigi, Pokemon and the gang

  13. #13
    Official Pilot of XBA FlyBoy's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Maximus
    I predict that after Europeans actually see what Nintendo has in store for them with the GameCube, they will be disappointed and the hype will be in the past and the XBox will be scooped up instead.

    For a few extra bucks, Europeans, like everyone else, will be able to have:

    1. A processor that is twice as fast
    2. A far more superior graphics card
    3. On-line capability
    4. System Link capability
    5. DVD player
    6. The ability to play 4 + people
    7. The ability to buy something other than Mario, Luigi, Pokemon and the gang
    There's no contest... XBOX will soon be ruler of the free world!
    Official PILOT of XBA!

  14. #14
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    Originally posted by FlyBoy

    There's no contest... XBOX will soon be ruler of the free world!

    No it wount.

    The added features that Xbox has over the consoles is to its own demerit rather than merit.The cost of making a HD,a DVD player,etc makes the Xbox very expencive to make.If microsoft were to reduce the price of the Xbox,they will keep on loosing and this is bad for them.

    Also,due to the fact that the Xbox doesnt sell through out the world,many developers are having second thoughts about developing for the console.

    Even if the GC and the Xbox were to be on the price,many Europeans would rather buy the GC because the GCs line up for this year is absolutely wonderfull and you guys shouldnt forget that people buy games(software) not hardware(consoles) that why the PSX lashed the N64.
    Make me feel it................Make me feel alive again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Im like you i have no name

  15. #15
    I'm World Famous. Kraft's Avatar
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    Hmm... so the xbox doesn't have a wonderful line up? <i>*looks at a short list*</i>

    Project Ego
    Spinter Cell
    Medal of Honor
    Soul Cailber 2
    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

    Man, and those are just the games I'm looking forward to. Obviously we have different concepts of the word wonderful...

  16. #16
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    Originally posted by KraftSLU
    Hmm... so the xbox doesn't have a wonderful line up? <i>*looks at a short list*</i>

    Project Ego
    Spinter Cell
    Medal of Honor
    Soul Cailber 2
    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

    Man, and those are just the games I'm looking forward to. Obviously we have different concepts of the word wonderful...
    I think we both have the same concept of wonderful games.

    Splinter cell is coming out on the GC.So also Soul Calibur 2.Medal of honour is out on ps2 and i think theres a Star Wars game for the GC.Basically,what M$ needs to do is to get exclusives not ports.If a game title is out on all the 3 consoles,it will sell best on the ps2 cuz of its fan base.But exclusives due help consoles alot.Look at Mario,Zelda,Killer Instincts,Donkey Kong,Pokemon,Too Human,Eternal Darkness,Sonic,Perfect Dark,Golden Eye etc are the titles that will win it for the GC.

    The Xbox has a very short list of Exclusives.
    Make me feel it................Make me feel alive again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Im like you i have no name

  17. #17
    Take No Tea Hugh_Jass's Avatar
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    Drop the GC price to $99 and I would buy one. There are some GC exclusives that I wouldn't mind playing.

  18. #18
    GO SEAHAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! l Maximus l's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Gaseoussnake

    I think we both have the same concept of wonderful games.

    Splinter cell is coming out on the GC.So also Soul Calibur 2.Medal of honour is out on ps2 and i think theres a Star Wars game for the GC.Basically,what M$ needs to do is to get exclusives not ports.If a game title is out on all the 3 consoles,it will sell best on the ps2 cuz of its fan base.But exclusives due help consoles alot.Look at Mario,Zelda,Killer Instincts,Donkey Kong,Pokemon,Too Human,Eternal Darkness,Sonic,Perfect Dark,Golden Eye etc are the titles that will win it for the GC.

    The Xbox has a very short list of Exclusives.
    Well, sure, dude...the GameCube is great if you like characters that have been overly milked for all their worth. I mean, how ridiculous does this look? See below:

    Halo 2
    Super Halo Brothers
    Super Halo World
    Super Halo 64
    Super Smash Halo Melee
    Halo Golf
    Halo Tennis
    Paper Halo
    Halo's Mansion

    I mean, let's be reasonable here. The Gamecube's primary market share is for 10-12 year olds. This is not my opinion, but, a statement made by the Chief Executive Officer of Nintendo. The Gamecube will certainly do well for the younger gamers, however, for the older and more experienced gamers, people will seek after the XBox instead. I'm 26, and, I have some good memories in regards to Nintendo, but, that's just it: they are memories.

    On-line gaming is the future...and Microsoft has broadband built in, standard, for the XBox. When the on-line forum launches this summer, both Nintendo and Playstation will be a thing of the past. Just wait and see. Too bad Nintendo has absolutely no plans to taking their system on-line...atleast not this time around.

  19. #19
    305 for lyf Anthony4sho's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Gaseoussnake

    No it wount.

    The added features that Xbox has over the consoles is to its own demerit rather than merit.The cost of making a HD,a DVD player,etc makes the Xbox very expencive to make.If microsoft were to reduce the price of the Xbox,they will keep on loosing and this is bad for them.

    Also,due to the fact that the Xbox doesnt sell through out the world,many developers are having second thoughts about developing for the console.

    Even if the GC and the Xbox were to be on the price,many Europeans would rather buy the GC because the GCs line up for this year is absolutely wonderfull and you guys shouldnt forget that people buy games(software) not hardware(consoles) that why the PSX lashed the N64.
    what r u talkin about? the Best games that are gonna come out fro GC is the Resident Evil series, and from there itz all downhill. The XBOX might not have a lot of blockbuster hits, but it does have tha best game made 4 any console EVER not to mentionit has about 3-4 hits out and about another 10 more comin. And it is also alot easier to make gamez for so developers are actually turning towards xbox.

  20. #20
    I'm World Famous. Kraft's Avatar
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    LOL!!! God, that was good max. What kills me is that is not even close to the total list. You forgot such classics as

    Super Halo Land
    Super Halo Land 2
    Dr. Halo
    Super Smash Halo
    Super HaloKart 64
    Halo Sunshine (coming soon!)
    Halo Paint (for use with upcoming mouse)

    and then there are all the games spawned by Halo's evil twin, Walo.

    Walo Land
    Walo Land 2

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