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Thread: Rating System For Games

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Default Rating System For Games

    Hi Guys

    I am going to create a video game for my personal project (School related). Don't worry, it won't be dull and filled with educational content. The game will be uploaded to XBLA. However I need to do research into the ratings system (E.g ESRB and Pegi). What do you think of them?

  2. #2
    The lone voice of reason. Symmetric-XBA's Avatar
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    first off I hope your project goes well! second I feel that the rating system is a nice, but useless cover for liability. I look at it the same way that movies have ratings but that doesn't stop underage ppl from seeing R rated movies.

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  3. #3
    Neighborhood Wood Elf Fargoth's Avatar
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    I like the rating system in terms that it resembles a quick overview on what may offend people within the game. It also seems to act as a flimsy gate that says "keep out" for underage gamers. While there are a lot of easy ways over the gate it's no longer the companies responsibility to what is done.

  4. #4
    Tails owns you. vman's Avatar
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    i think they are effective in showing or warning the consumer what they are about to experience. As far as creating age restrictions, well, most places do enforce the strict policies but some don't but thats not the rating system's fault.

  5. #5
    Senior Moderator Ainokeatoo's Avatar
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    What some people don't understand, is the rating system is more of a 'Suggestion'. Obviously kids are going to get into R, rated or even M rated movies. Theaters protect themselves from liability by not allowing children under the "suggested" age limit of the rating without some parent, guardian, or over age individual accompanying them. It's the same with video games. Being well over 18 I couldn't care less about the rating system, not until I have children lol.

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  6. #6


    While the idea is good, it's a flawed system.

    There is really only a 3 real categories: E, T, M. There easily needs to be at least 2 more tiers in there if they want to differentiate the content within.

    For example: Halo and Grand Theft Auto are both rated M....why? Green blood and guns is the same as killing hookers, cops, shooting, and other debauchery found in GTA?

    Ideally it should be something like: E, Rating(not sure what to call it, but between E and T), T(een), M(ature), A(dult). Adult doesnt mean it has to be a sex simulator, but GTA or God of War for example would be the 'highest tier' of mature content, where Halo and average shooters would be M.
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  7. #7
    Registered User Big Shakey's Avatar
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    Default the pro's of the system

    I agree with most of the above statement, esp with halo gettingh such a high rating, in the UK halo 3 was 15 and over. The Original xbox console was designed and aimed for adults and the best selling games generally come with a higher aged certificate. I like teh fact games have a certificate scale and i do think for the most part they are pretty fair. depending on who is rating you also get a description of game content as you get with some movie (ie harsh language, cartoon violence etc)

    What makes these different from the movie rating scale is (with parents participation) these can be better enforced. You can put parental locks on the 360 for each profile that will only allow certain certifacated games to play. You dont want your 12year old play Gears 3 cuz its an 18, set it that was and it wont. Doesnt mean that he cant go to his friends house whos parents arent as savay and play it there but its still progress.

    Alot of violent games such as gears have incorperated reduced violence gameplay so younger fans can still play them or even fans of the game that dont like over the top blood and dismemberment. If this doesnt seriously imped the development and opens the game to new people im all for it.

    I do find it interesting when you start an online game and you get hit with the disclaimer ESRB rating changes for online play. I get they cant control the masses of tweens that just learned how to swear and do so relentlessly over xbox live but they should maintain liability for game content.
    Big Shakey

  8. #8


    You stole my icon....
    Executive Editor

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