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Thread: The Buzz...Deathrow..UC..etc

  1. #1
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    Default The Buzz/Hype to do with the Xbox...Deathrow..UC..XBL..etc

    Well since we visit this and other xbox sites and look for information we know all about games and how the xbox is doing. Just how do we measure the average gamer's interest in certain games?

    I for one look at Gamespot's Top 10 most viewed games which is on the bottom of their home page.

    (As of right now there are three xbox titles in the top 10, six Ps2 titles and 1 PC title)

    Incidently those titles are Deathrow at #2, Baldur's Gate : Dark Alliance at #4 and Unreal Championship at #9.


    The Xbox has really been lacking that hype. You know the kind, when 13 year old Jimbob says to his friend Bob,

    "You should get an Xbox for Christmas, they've got really good titles!"
    Then Bob replies, "Like what?"
    To which Jimbob can say, "Well Deathrow, Unreal Championship, and Mech Assault are all really (insert exclamatory word here) awesome or cool."
    "Oh yeah," Bob will say,"I read about that in Gamerpro (or Gamespot, etc)"

    That's how systems get sold. When people tell each other what to get. I know that I trust the people I know more than some guy reviewing games.

    So what I want to know is how's the hype surrounding xbox? Not here..not at some other Xbox fansite or even a magazine..but what's the word on the street? Do you even hear the word Xbox in your normal life?

    Just the other day I left some kid speachless after mentioning just how much the Xbox was better than the Playstation II. Guess what system he'll be getting this Christmas
    Last edited by thatroger; 10-30-2002 at 06:49 PM.

  2. #2
    GO SEAHAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! l Maximus l's Avatar
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    You raise a very interesting question...what is the word on the street about the XBox? Well, I'm in Seattle which is the home of Microsoft and I can tell you that everyone here is crazy for XBox! Everywhere I go I see XBox stuff...seriously. Now, of course, keep in mind that I live where Microsoft is based, therefore, I am sure that there has to be some bias there for us Seattlites.

    I'm really interested in hearing what the buzz is around other streets other than those located in Sea-town where Microsoft is headquartered.

  3. #3
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    Yeah I'm in Vancouver actually so I'm in the same sort of area as you.

  4. #4
    Soldier of the Wasteland EHWfedPres's Avatar
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    I think the Xbox and its games should be advertised more on TV connercials, cause I saw a snoaboarding game commercial that lasted no more than 10 seconds and that was it for this month...yet on the same channel (Tech TV), there's a load of PS2 game commercials. A Deathrow commercial would be great, or some more Xbox exclusive commercials like maybe for Mech Assault or UC...

  5. #5
    StAcKed AcTorS J Dub's Avatar
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    Movie theaters would be great too. Whenever I see a movie, every single time, there is a Playstation 2 advertisement called "299 Reasons To Buy A Playstation 2". And it goes on to list built in dvd, this game, that game, etc, etc, etc. That would be PERFECT for the Xbox. It gets peoples attentions because everybody concentrates on what's on the movie screen and it hits millions of people every day. Can you imaging if they had been running one of these ads say.....during the Spiderman premiere?
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  6. #6
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    Originally posted by Xx J Dub 2k xX
    Movie theaters would be great too. Whenever I see a movie, every single time, there is a Playstation 2 advertisement called "299 Reasons To Buy A Playstation 2". And it goes on to list built in dvd, this game, that game, etc, etc, etc. That would be PERFECT for the Xbox. It gets peoples attentions because everybody concentrates on what's on the movie screen and it hits millions of people every day. Can you imaging if they had been running one of these ads say.....during the Spiderman premiere?

    The only problem with doing a # Reasons to Buy A Xbox is that it would cost too much money. I don't think even Microsoft has enough cash to finance a commercial with ALL the reasons to buy an Xbox. The commercial would be too long!

    I did see a commercial the other day but one commercial here and there doesn't get the public talking. Get something catchy. Like those Vibe commercials...or the Nike Rhythym cmmercials. Catchy stuff that people remember, so the next time they go to a store or talk to a friend, they'll have xbox on their mind.

  7. #7
    GO SEAHAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! l Maximus l's Avatar
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    Now, let's be realistic, dudes...we all know that in the gaming industry, the best way to advertise is via word of mouth. That's why the XBox has been so successful thus far.

    I mean, really think about this: how many Microsoft Windows commercials have you guys seen this month? Can you think of one? Okay..maybe one...but, how about two?

    I think Microsoft has built another well received product with the XBox and word of mouth is going to be the success. And, well, teaming up with Budweiser sure won't hurt either

  8. #8
    Registered User yall's Avatar
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    I wonder if Game Cube will team up with Sunny Delight? What beverage company would sony hook-up with? My guess would be Evian, since their system looks watered down.

  9. #9
    GO SEAHAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! l Maximus l's Avatar
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    Systems teaming up with Beverages:

    Gamecube: Bellywashers

    PS2: Diet Coke

    XBox: BUDWEISER!!!

  10. #10


    I live on a campus of about 10,500 people. Every single time I'm hanging out with my friends, they ask me to bring my xbox so we can play system link! I haven't heard anyone talk about PS2 or Gamecube since before summer (except for people saying I'm selling mine and getting an xbox!), and I'm dead serious about that. Before xbox came out, it was me and one other person that thought it was gonna be the best console, and people were making fun of us and sayin the stupidest things like "It's gonna cost 1000 bucks" or "It's only gonna have 15 games on it!". Now, every single person here talks about the box and nothing else. When someone mentions gaming, its only about xbox and ocassionaly PC. Thats it.

    Did I mention I live in Saudi Arabia?

  11. #11
    Registered User Slacker's Avatar
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    I hear Xbox everywhere I go, ....My Eb is Xbox Crazy, I even heard a Clerk Talk a guy OUT of a PS2, .........he just showed him all three versions of Turok, and said look at the draw distance, I have converted about 5 people so far or more, not including my family , .......and I heard three different people on three Different occasions say PS2 is getting Old , the graphics suck,,......
    Wadical Dwagons! *quote from random game nerd in an arcade when I was a kid in the 80's*

  12. #12
    Master Frogman MerimacHamwich's Avatar
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    XBOX is the shizzle here. Anyone who has a PS2 still likes it but knows the xbox is better and usually buys and xbox at some time. For instance, my friend Stefan, he was PS2 crazy. Me and my other friend Kyle bought an xbox and would always talk to eachother about the awesome games we played the previous night and then Stefan would try and say his PS2 was better. Then we would shut him down with every reason imaginable. This went on for about a month. Then, he bought an xbox, he said it was just for Halo but within a week he said he hardly ever plays his PS2 anymore. This was in high school a year ago (gr 12). I would bring my OXM's and gamebooklets to school and they would circulate around my Social 30 class. Everyone liked xbox, I like to think I had something to do with that. Even the 10 or so PS2 owners would always take a look at the things I would bring to class. They were very interested in the xbox and found out it was better than PS2. So, yes, xbox is big in my town. It seems I always see an xbox truck driving around when I go downtown. Plus, at my blockbuster I hardly ever seen anyone renting PS2 or Gamecube games. However, there is always at least 5 people browsing the xbox game section.
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  13. #13
    Brick killed a guy. shrew king's Avatar
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    before the xbox came out my friend was hell bent on buying a gamecube, all i did was make fun of him for it (not mean or anything, joking around). after i got mine on christmas i asked my friends to come spend the night over at my house and we played Halo and some Oddworld. After playing Halo my friend started saving an extra $100 dollars to get an xbox.

    There hasnt been much talk or advertising here though, microsoft has so many cool things coming out but barely any advertising.

    i havent seen a single xbox live commercial yet.
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    "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?" Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others" - Nelson Mandela

  14. #14
    Registered User Evil_Dr_Beefy's Avatar
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    Get real, i know this is an xbox i'm not going to sugar coat it.....the hype, the buzz is almost your fanboy dream world....The people i talk to at work and school...people who don't read game mags or post on forums have heard nothing about the xbox live service, the new bundle or even deathrow.......But they have heard about Grand theft auto: vice city... What is wrong with microsoft? Where are the commercials? I think their marketing sucks. The xbox is a kick @ss product!!! It will be a dead one unless microsoft gets the word out. Why do i see more nintendo commercials on tv than microsoft..... The playstation 2 ad boys just went nuts, because out of every 3 videogame commercials...2 have the p2s logo on them!!! Maybe, i'm wroung about this...maybe microsoft got a new ad blitz plan......All i know is this close to had better do something... it's hype or die!!!
    Meanwhile back at the Ranch,Bificus Beefy AKA Evil_Dr_Beefy and his henchmen The Big Dipper Beast plot the destruction of their arch nemesis Spaceboy

  15. #15
    Gotta get home carlbme's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Evil_Dr_Beefy
    Get real, i know this is an xbox i'm not going to sugar coat it.....the hype, the buzz is almost your fanboy dream world....The people i talk to at work and school...people who don't read game mags or post on forums have heard nothing about the xbox live service, the new bundle or even deathrow.......But they have heard about Grand theft auto: vice city... What is wrong with microsoft? Where are the commercials? I think their marketing sucks. The xbox is a kick @ss product!!!
    Agreed, I mean I have gamer friends who keep up with all the latest stuff, and then I have others who just like to game. Those who aren't into keeping up with all the latest news have not heard of Live. I've tried to explain it to a few and the responce I get is that it sounds like MS is trying to copy Sony (SACOM or whatever) and since they haven't heard anything about it they are unsure of it.

    I've manage to convince a few, but only by having them play it. Of course they say that it's cool and they will get it "eventually" because right now the PS2 is coming out with more, and better games.

    Now we know this isn't true, but unless MS actually does decent marketing they will not reach the fanbase they want to because most of the "casual gamer" types will stick with the PS2 and help increase Sony's fanbase

  16. #16
    Registered User symposiumx's Avatar
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    Word of mouth is great and all. but I don't feel it is enough alone. What Microsoft needs is to show the consumers that they are 100% behind the XBOX and it's games. The way to do that is to launch a massive media blitzkrieg. pre-movie ads, tv ads, ect. IN ADDITION to word of mouth. one feeds the other, so to speak.


    is it just me, or does anyone else crave MORE and NEW demos of games when you buy an XBOX game. I think placing demos of games on the game discs give a gamer the opprotunity to check out games that they might otherwise overlook. I know that myself, for one, has purchased a few games JUST based on trying their trial versions out on a game disc.

  17. #17
    Master Frogman MerimacHamwich's Avatar
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    Haha, Blitzkreig, dropping xboxes from bomber planes! HAHA.
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  18. #18
    Registered User symposiumx's Avatar
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    Originally posted by MerimacHamwich
    Haha, Blitzkreig, dropping xboxes from bomber planes! HAHA.

    all i can picture now is "Flight of the Valkyries" while XBox's are raining down over tokoyo and bill gates as a pilot gone mad
    rat~ta~tat~tat "take that sony!!"

    Now, for some of my horrendous renditions of songs:

    Last edited by symposiumx; 11-04-2002 at 07:09 PM.

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