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Thread: VAN on Max payne

  1. #1
    Elite Addict VAN's Avatar
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    Default VAN on Max payne

    Ahhhh.....Max Payne. That delightfully gruesome PC shoot 'em up title has finally made its way to the Xbox. Was it worth it? I dunno, to be honest. I have mixed feelings about this game.

    Before I go any further, let me remind you that I am NOT a "professional game reviewer", I'm just an average guy with an above average lust for console-based video games. I've been at this for nearly 20 years now, so I think it's fair to say that I know what makes a good game and what makes a bad game.

    Unfortunately, Max Payne has elements of good as well as bad.

    First, the good......

    Incredible graphics and innovative "bullet time" effects which need to be seen to be at all comprehended. Amazing. Nearly every object in the game can be interacted with in some manner, which equates to fun. Flush toilets, shoot out televisions, turn on faucets, etc.

    Enveloping storyline leaves no questions unanswered, and gives you a sense of presence never before felt in a video game. There are times when you will literally *think* you are the character Max Payne.

    The bad.....

    While the storyline is one of the games biggest selling points, it is also (in my opinion) one of the games largest downfalls. The story itself makes up for probably 1/3 of the gameplay time. You shoot, watch a cut scene, shoot some more, watch another cut scene, etc. At times you will only be involved in actual gameplay for a minute or 2 before being slapped with another 5 minute cut scene to help move the story along. There were far too many instances where just as I was getting my adrenaline pumping, I'd be forced down from my high and made to watch (or read) more story. Several times I wanted to bypass these annoyances, but I forced myself to watch every second so that I would know what was going on.

    I completed the game in approximately 10 hours the first time through. I imagine if I had bypassed all cinematics and cut scenes, I could have knocked the completion time down to about 8 hours....not very long for the first time playing.

    This is definitely a game one could rent for 3-5 days and easily complete w/o having to shell out the 49.99 asking price.

    What about replay value? I'm not really sure there is any replay value here, folks. Granted, upon completing the game you will be awarded 2 new difficulty settings which may provide a bit of fun here and there, but it is still the same game....with the same cut scenes...over, and over again. No new levels, hidden weapons, different enemies...nothin to look forward to.

    Would I recommend this game for purchase? No....but not because I feel it's a bad game. I don't. I think its a great, well-designed title, but sometimes it is better to rent than to own.

    With that said.......

    Bring on Max Payne II.

  2. #2
    Penta Campeao gtaplayer's Avatar
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    Default Re: VAN on Max payne

    Originally posted by VAN
    Would I recommend this game for purchase? No....but not because I feel it's a bad game. I don't. I think its a great, well-designed title, but sometimes it is better to rent than to own.

    With that said.......

    Bring on Max Payne II.

    g o d d a m n it van only if u posted this thread before i bought the at the end of part 2...and da game is great and all but ur right its not worth the 50 bucks that i payed for it...the reason im still on p2 is cuz im taking my time with this game...u have great knowledge of what to buy or rent....which else do u tink is a buy or rent game that it is soon 2 come out for xbox??

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    funny ass site, check it out.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Default woot

    Glad I read this before tomorrow.

  4. #4
    Penta Campeao gtaplayer's Avatar
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    Default Re: woot

    Originally posted by kazual
    Glad I read this before tomorrow.
    **** u
    Last edited by Rancey; 12-27-2001 at 01:05 AM.
    Hidden Content
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    funny ass site, check it out.

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Default Doh

    Sorry about your tough luck man !

    If it helps, I won't be able to rent the game any time soon because I live in a small town.. our video store doesnt have xbox games in yet =/

  6. #6
    Elite Addict VAN's Avatar
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    Default Re: Re: VAN on Max payne

    Originally posted by gtaplayer
    which else do u tink is a buy or rent game that it is soon 2 come out for xbox??

    I won't speculate on games I have yet to thoroughly play with my own 2 hands....and I hope you don't listen to anyone who offers opinions on a particular title before it is even released.

  7. #7
    GO SEAHAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! l Maximus l's Avatar
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    I have Max Payne...I think that VAN has made some very interesting observations as if he took the words out of my mouth. Except, with the line up of games coming out in January, I am glad I bought Max Payne as it will occupy me until February. I'm also only on Part 2 because I have been playing PGR, Amped, a little Halo, and Azurik. I just received Star Wars Starfighter from that I won and I have only played it until the third level... So, we'll see. But, I don't think by having Max Payne will taint my video game library...

    One thing is for sure, Bullet-time is something that must be seen. The game is great especially if you have never played Max Payne before, like myself. I never have seen it on the PC, PoS2, or anything before I bought it for my XBox. So, I would like to add that point to Van's comments...if you have never seen Max Payne in your life, it is probably worth buying as there is no other game like it...Bullet time is just plain sweet. Also, if you like it, as I imagine all will, especially if they have never seen it...I have seen the confirmation that Max Payne II is going to come, this should be another solid title from our friends at Rockstar

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