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Thread: Paying for XBox online...

  1. #1
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    Default Paying for XBox online...

    First off, I'm gonna have to float for a cable modem (DSL is not available where I live, which is another rant). Second, MS is gonna charge me to play online. Now what that is gonna cost is a question mark. Are they gonna charge by the hour? By the number of times you die in deathmatch? By the amount of data transfered? Or is it gonna be a flat fee? So I am going to guesstimate here and say its gonna be a flat fee of say...$30 a month.

    Ok, so the cable connection is gonna cost me about $50 - $60 a month. Plus $30 MS is gonna charge me to use my XBox online. Thats a grand total of $80 - $90 a month to play stupid games online.

    My question is: Is it worth it?

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  2. #2
    Home Theatre Guru LynxFX's Avatar
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    $30 a month?!?

    That would never happen. Look for around $10-$15 if it is a flat fee and if they do charge. For all we know it could be a free service with advertising in the chatrooms.

    So is it worth it to pay $10-$15 a month just to play xbox games online? Could be. Depends on how much you play and how good the network is. I honestly hope it is free since I could always play any of my pc games online, on a fast broadband connection since either has existed. Changing that to a pay service seems like step backwards, like Napster charging for its service. No one goes there because there is a free alternative. I think for the most part this will hold true to online gaming on consoles. You charge for something that most people already do for free and you will lose business unless you offer something that seperates you from the rest.

    You are paying the $50-$60 to get online, not just to have the ability to play the xbox online so I wouldn't count that in your total unless you are only getting cable service so you can play on the MS network. Then that is just a waste.
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  3. #3
    Banned Ninja Scroll's Avatar
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    well anything you hear for now until Microsoft reveals their offical network plans are just plain rumors and speculations.
    That's if your waiting for the offical launch this summer,.... like me!

  4. #4
    GO SEAHAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! l Maximus l's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Ninja Scroll
    well anything you hear for now until Microsoft reveals their offical network plans are just plain rumors and speculations.
    That's if your waiting for the offical launch this summer,.... like me!
    This is a response to Ninja Scroll's post...not Aronx...I wouldn't want to face a penalty, you know

    Just so you know, compadre...It is official that Microsoft is launching their on-line gaming forum this summer. It's been confirmed and if you call 1-800-4MY-XBOX, they will tell you the same. Whether it's gonig to be free or not is still under question. And, if there is a fee, it's also still in debate amongst Microsoft what that possibility looks like.

    It is my assumption that Microsoft is going to make this huge...and to pull this off, they have to make it appealing for the XBox consumer. I wouldn't be surprised if Microft came out with a small flat fee...or just make it free, as it would be an additional reason, among many, to buy an XBox over another gaming console. Since Halo is such a huge hit for the Gamespy player, you only know that Unreal Championship is going to be equally as insane!

    I'm looking forward to it....and, I really hope that they are not going charge a monthly fee. For once, I agree with Aronx The cost for Broadband is astronomical...they should make a deal with AT&T Broadband or something instead of the consumer. By the way, that's another idea.

    But, I heard that it's going to be awesome how it's going to work! All you do is simply hook the Cable Modem (or DSL, etc) to the port on the back of the XBox. As soon as you shove in a dedicated on-line game, you will be on the Microsoft network! But, if a game like Halo that can be played without being on-line, all you have to do is use the System Link option and you are on the network....It's as simple as these games are already coded to launch into the Summer on-line network This is going to be bad ass, simply said

  5. #5
    The Game Is Not Over!!! Nato King's Avatar
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    Talking Online Gaming

    Can we play our Xbox's online with a broadband connection yet? and if not, when will this feature be ready?

  6. #6
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    Thanks Max. I know its not your intention, but your starting to score points with me. I just created this thread because I saw a couple of job ops on the MS website looking for someone to do password authentication (amoung other things) and account management for the upcoming online thing.
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  7. #7


    it should be either free or a one time cost of like 15$ to register your xbox, period.
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  8. #8
    GO SEAHAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! l Maximus l's Avatar
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    Default Re: Online Gaming

    Originally posted by Serg_w
    Can we play our Xbox's online with a broadband connection yet? and if not, when will this feature be ready?
    Serg...dude....right now you can play Halo, Tony Hawk 2X, and Nascar Heat for FREE, on-line through . Get your ass on-line! It's awesome!

  9. #9
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    I've heard that you will always be able to play on-line for free. kinda like the napster thing, once one thing goes down, another pops up in it's place. Like gamespy. I'm not sure, but I hope we will be able to. I'm too **** cheap to be payin more $$$
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  10. #10


    i have a good feeling it will be free, if not gamespy will keep theirs up, if MS shuts them down then they will just have a lot of ****ed off XBA's...
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  11. #11
    Registered User Markus_Kalarkus's Avatar
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    nope its 15-20 bucks a month!!! i read it on the internet and my official magazine. im not buying it though cuz 15-20!!!!! frik
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  12. #12
    Registered User sinizuh's Avatar
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    microsoft has some bull**** online plan to copy cable service...

    there will be a flat plan (basic ****za) for cheap (hopefuly free) and then others things... if you saw the pathetic CES movie about xbox online, then thats going to the platnium plan... most expensive... i'm thinking $30/month.

    basic plan should be no more than $10/month.

    ... when i should be free.

  13. #13
    Home Theatre Guru LynxFX's Avatar
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    I'll wait until the official announcement of the payment, if any, plans before I get all ****y. No point in getting mad because someone says "I'm thinking so and so a month" or "I read it on the internet".
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  14. #14
    Registered User Azazel's Avatar
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    Stop and think about it for a second.


    Do you honestly think Microsoft would try to charge $30 a month for online service. When cable costs $50 and games cost $50. They want the xbox to work and one thing that will be a big factor is the online play. I dont know what they are gonna charge, but you can bet it wont be that much!
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  15. #15
    Registered User Bundy's Avatar
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    i think 10 bucks is to much. That is just ridiciouls. Don't forget that in addition to the monthly cost, some games are probably going to charge extra on top of that for like tournaments and leagues and other various things.

    I could deal with like 5 bucks a month but would really perfer if it is free.

  16. #16
    GO SEAHAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! l Maximus l's Avatar
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    I think Microsoft should make it free as it would be a great incentive for more customers to buy the XBox. I strongly doubt that I would pay $10-15 per month...I can't stand the thought of more bills!!! Sometimes I feel that everyone wants my money

  17. #17
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    First of all, why on earth would anyone think Microsoft is going to go through this very expensive process of building the internet structure capable of providing this entertainment service and then simply give it away??? It's ludicrous.

    A one time $10-15 fee? Again, laughable.

    They are in this to make money. They are not doing this out of the kindness of their hearts. If you want to play, you are going to have to pay. No if's ands or buts.

    and for those of you who do not have broadband yet? get on board, for crying out loud. you are slowing down the wonders of broadband for all of us!!

  18. #18
    Registered User Bundy's Avatar
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    the resitement to pay ms money for online is from multiple sources.. first we shelled out all this cash.. second, online gamers are use to buying a game and playing online for free. Those game makers are in it to make money but they still have free online play.

    as far as the broadband comment, not everbody has the chance to get broadband. they are still waiting and some can't afford it. it is not really affecting you so deal with it.

  19. #19
    GO SEAHAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! l Maximus l's Avatar
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    I was simply saying that by having a free on-line forum, Microsoft is bound to gain more XBox doubt about that! That would be a HUGE selling point for the XBox above and beyond everything else that this amazing system has to offer.

    Of course, a one time fee...or yearly fee would be much better than paying once per month. I have enough bills as is and can just go on Gamespy to get my on-line fix. Not many people play on-line that often and to justify $10-15 will be a difficult thing for many people to consider. Besides, with this type of charge, even if people were willing to play it, the on-line forum wouldn't have nearly as many players compared to it being a free service. Microsoft is making millions and millions of dollars, as is, just from the XBox sales....and, one thing is for sure, Microsoft can afford a free on-line gaming forum.

    Bill Gate's lunch money alone could cover any expense for this on-line forum

    I hope they bust out a bunch of OC-192 servers to run this bad boy! If you guys don't know what that is, it's compriable to a hundred or so T-1 lines

  20. #20
    Home Theatre Guru LynxFX's Avatar
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    Originally posted by robnyack
    First of all, why on earth would anyone think Microsoft is going to go through this very expensive process of building the internet structure capable of providing this entertainment service and then simply give it away??? It's ludicrous.
    Actually no it isn't. Basically every pc game that comes out has a free network to play on. This has become a given for any multiplayer game released with the exception of Everquest. They make their money by getting you to buy the game so you can join everyone else that is playing on their servers. For MS to come out and charge a huge ass fee to cover costs of the network or even make a profit is a kick in the nads to anyone that is used to pc gaming. Microsoft wants brand recognition and a fanbase. They will get this by selling consoles. The more consoles they sell the better chance they sell more games. More games they sell the higher profits they get. A free online network or with just a one time fee(which would be reasonable) is just another way to spice up the package of buying an xbox instead of a gamecube or PS2.

    There are alot of things companies will give you for free just to get you to use their product. Online gaming is definately one of them and has been for years. For MS to change that now would be a huge failure and ultimately a money loser for them.

    Besides, if anyone in the console industry is going to make a free online network, it would be Microsoft.
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